54 / 134
Mar 2021

My MC's name is Glen Ivory, but it wasn't the name they were given at birth since they're trans. XD Idk what it actually means, but I think I gave them their surname after thinking about how their mother most likely stopped some hunters from harvesting ivory or something idk.

Naell Beryldot - We combine our name for the first name and last name a combination of stones namely beryl and peridot.

If you guys like isekai with slice of life as main genre try this one. ^^

"Azra" is a short form of "Azadeh" which means free or liberated, and the story is a journey of Azra's liberation. Ironically, Azra means "pure", or "virgin" while my main character's journey revolves around her falling in love for the first time and experiencing life as we know it.

If you guys like spy fantasy, check this out:

Azra is a spy for the House of Veils whose mission is to get close to darkly magnetic Devin to retrieve information about chaos magic. Earn his trust. Learn his secrets. Fall in love? Her deception with Devin offers her giddying heights she never knew, but the time is coming when he will find out the truth about her. Can the girl who was never allowed a heart find a way to keep from losing hers?

Ahiko is a japanese name that means beloved child. Not that I planned it that way, but I really do like the name, because it does reflect upon the story a bit. I have also met a little kid with that name too while I was working at the museum, and it was so FREAKING COOL!

Rokuzo, Enossa, Nasen. Well, I usually make up names so they don't really have a real world equilivent.

Nasen was derived from the name Norin. I really liked that name, but Norin was used in a Sci-fi short I wrote a while back, so I decided to change it up and reapply it.

Enossa is the elongated name for Eno, which my boyfriend suggested. Its actually really cute when he asks to name some of my charaters, and he does come up with some cool names.

Rokuzo. Oh, I don't really remember how I came up with this name. I think I was just throwing clusters around until I though it sounded cool, and something that would fit in his world. Although, even though the naming process was well, unstructured, I did have some basis to my method. I wanted to derive the name from the word Rose (Japanese katakana rozu), as I have always seen this character as the duality of a rose. Beautiful and elegant, but rough and dangerous. His nice name does hail back to his name sake, Rozu.

Spider Lily or Lillian, was based off the flower and the belief that the flower brings death. Her code name, being the death flower, and her real name, which is comparably plain.

Polyphaga His real name to me is unknown, but his code name is based off of a vast beetle family. This is due to he fascination of bug shaped arcane constructs. Although I has not shown initally in my comic so far, in past iterations he did have small beetle bombs. (which i want to bring back)

Most of my characters and their names come from nowhere just from thinking of what name I think would suit them best.
(I'm actually having a lot of fun with this so here's all chapter 1 characters)

Joyce: Apparently it originates from a latin name Ludocus which means "Lord"
Not what I had in mind, but I like that there's more complexity to her name than I originally thought haha

Seth: Originates from hebrew which means "Appointed." Definitely doesn't match his character well whoops-

Alex: The name originates from the english language meaning "Defender of the people" which I absolutely love and it fits her so incredibly well aaa!!!

Brianne: Comes from America which means "high and noble." Fitting!

Ray: Has many origins, most of which mean "defender/wise protector" which also quite fitting??? I love this???

Nice idea! Samara means protected by god; guardian; night talk; under god's rule. And Aryan means warrior; honorable. The characters and TLG all have very specific names. :blush:

I'll just give you one of my Oc's that are not in a comic form but yet in planning

Name: Erutan
I've chosen this name because it reflects of how they look like and as well their so called "job"
The name was actually inspired by a song called
The Willow Maid - Erutan (katethegreat19)
Erutan is backwards for Nature
and as you can see the name is a connection to this character

I won't link in my Novel this time since I've stopped uploading it and stopped planning out the next Chapter

Name: Kandake
her name was deprived from the queen Kandake of Kush ( aka Sudan(the name changed) I've chosen this name because of what queen Kandake had done which was defeating Alexzander the Great from over powering Kush, the reason why I I've given this character this name was from the actions of this queen, which I took it in as bravery , powerful, intelligent and many more that are along the lines of those words lol

My main character's name is Sara, which is a girl's name of Hebrew origin meaning "princess".

Hey hello! Thank you for this thread :smiley:

My main character goes by Tanidreams. It's supposed to represent my last name, then follows "I" and then "Dream." Therefore meaning how I dream.

My main character's name is dan and in hebrew it means judgement or judge.

My main on Menmar cast is composed of four people.

Nadhine means "hope", and it's a French-origin name;
Raheem means "merciful" or "servant of the Merciful" in Arabic and it's one of Allah's names;
Esther means "star" in Old Persian;
Yami means "Dark" in Japanese.

You can find them all in Menmar, somehow living the truth about their names:

Hi! My main character's name is Chandra Prawiraharja.

She's Indonesian! Chandra is Sanskrit and is the name of the Hindu god of the moon. Sanskrit and Hinduism has a huge influence and a long history on Indonesian language and culture.

Her last name is of Sunda origin - an ethnic group that predominantly lives on the western side of Java island! Prawira means "to be resolute" or "courageous" and harja means "to be safe". So all in all, her name means the god of the moon who is courageous and saved.

I really love the name, it has a ton of religious significance :smiley:

I have two main characters in SUMMON! The Nameless Relic. Omari Osei (in Red) and Long Xiaolian (in Blue).

Starting with the Scarlet Spellcaster - Omari Osei

Omari is Swahili, meaning "God the Highest"
Osei is Ghanaian, meaning "Noble or Honorable"
Together this means "Noble God of the Highest"

As for the Azure Dragon - Long Xiaolian:

the family name Long is Chinese for "Dragon"
while Xiaolian means "Little Lotus"
Together this means "Little Lotus Dragon"

Naturally, both of their names allude to future events and fun fact, I intented for their names to be similiar to how Marvel characters where once named, using the same starting letter for first and last names (ex. Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, J Jonas Jameson).

Check em out here:

My characters are either named after historical figures (such as H.P Lovecraft), fictional characters, or take names to reflect their monstrosity. My two main agents are Mr. Graves and Mr. Gears. Mr. Graves is Frankenstein's monster and Mr. Gears is a robot based off a historical event. Theres also an owl witch (Ms. Lechuza), Ms. Graves( Mr. Graves sister and a vampy) and a wraith (Mr./Ms. Torment).

2 months later

Lech is old Polish name (one of the oldest) nowadays it doesn't have any meaning but from primeval slavic languages it means a king, or someone who's a ruller. There's also version that it comes from old Poland times and name Lech came from the word lścić which means to be clever or act insidiously.

Well this a little hard because I made up fantasy names, but lets get into how I made some of these names.

Rokuzo Barachi
Rokuzo is derived of the katakana-ized word for rose based off of google translate ROZU which I tweaked a bit to make it into what it is now. He has always been associated with plants, but roses in general due to their beauty and thorns. Which I think is accurate to who he is. An attractive and magnetic person, who has a dark past, and can be at times abrasive.

His last name also loosely translates to "Rose blood" although that actually phrasing for rose blood in japanese is Bara no chi.

So, I have actually met someone irl with this name which I think is really awesome! But Ahiko is a japanese name that means "beloved child." Although I didn't know her name was real at first when I named her. Originally, it was a variation of a nick name I had "kaiko" that I had changed a bit to make it into what is is now.

Ahiko has not last name due to being bastard born. It was common in older times that you would have no last name, or take the name of the city you were born. Like da Vinci who was born in/near Vinci.

Enossa Phey
My boyfriend really likes naming my characters, so I let him name her. He wanted her nickname to be Eno, which upon looking it up right now there are many managings in japanese kanji for eno. But I like the one for clever the most, as it is the most accurate to her.

He last name is a play on the word fae, because I see her as a mystical fairy folk, like that a fawns. after all, she is technically a type of fawn.