27 / 48
Sep 2018

Hannibal was physically painful to watch at times, the sheer sadistic depravity of it. Then there was the tension. But I never for a second wasn't 100% behind putting myself through it. The acting, the writing, the cinematography, the casting. I don't think masterpiece is too overblown a word when it comes to that show.

The twilight zone. It was so revolutionary that you can still watch it and get surprised. Even current TV shows are still stealing ideas from it. I have never seen a show that understands humanity so well no matter the timeframe or culture. It shows how the human psyche reacts to isolation, uncertainty, madness, love, etc. This is not only my personal favorite, it was also a very important chapter in fictional storytelling history.

I know exactly what you mean. I honestly don't think I could have watched it if not for the fact my best friend was just as committed to the show. She got me through the episodes I couldn't have watched. I did physically start gagging one episode though. Not fun. XD

Eat the Rude~

I don't watch much TV, but gonna have to go with Over The Garden Wall for me

I cant say "a show is the most perfect show', but there are some shows that I really liked. I'm hardcore on Breaking Bad(so yeah, I watch Saul as well)- I got my whole family into watching that show...I also got fam members watching shows like Sons of Anarchy(which was one of my other fave shows) & The Strain; that same fam member got me into watching Spartacus & Game of Thrones.

@scythe just finished watching the 2 seasons of Westworld- brilliant show.

Lost remains my all time favorite show, even though it's far from perfect. There's a lot of characters to get invested in. I'm always down to rewatching it. Game of Thrones is now up there too.

I dont watch TV, but the one I have seen and loved is Over the Garden Wall. Dark fantasy kids’ show/movie is sort of up my alley.

Man, I've always wanted to watch more anime, but I have so much trouble sitting down and watching things. XD Trigun was one of my favorites, though, and I'd like to add that to my list 0o0! Evangelion had its flaws, certainly, but the psychologist in me adores it and it had such pretty art and designs and it's also a favorite! Shinji and Asuka are such interesting characters, too <3.

Ooooo and Escaflowne and Hunter X Hunter were pretty good, too!

I really liked Gravity Falls, but, I don't know what it is about American cartoons, but they have the worst fanbases XD. The Steven Universe fandom gives me nightmares...

perfect? thats tough

i think season one of in the flesh came very close to perfect for me (season 2 is a little iffy)

the get down was really brilliant too, and recently killing eve had me on tenterhooks

season 1 of the handmaids tale was pretty great too (season 2... eh)

community is an all time favourite, although i wouldnt call it perfect by a long shot

Not such thing as perfect, but...

Breaking Bad is nearly perfect in my book too. The show is so well built is ridiculous.

It's not over yet, but so far, I think Bojack Horseman is basically perfect. It keeps getting better for me. Keeps getting deeper and more layered with each season. Season 5 is today, yoo!

If animation is on, then Neon Genesis Evangelion and Serial Experiment Lain are also close.

Community is also my all time favorite and if we take Season 4 out, I think we can find a little ''perfection in chaos''

I'm not very original here, but Breaking Bad is in my opinion the best show ever made.

Let me put it this way. I'm not a big binge-watcher. Usually after two episodes of anything I have enough. Even while anticipating what happens next, I feel physically sick after so much TV.
But Breaking Bad was something I could spend hours staring at. I really want to rewatch it, but I still remember everything perfectly ._.

Gonna be honest, I think a number of cartoons have been close to perfect a number of times, shows such as Avatar, and Gravity Falls and the like.

How could i forget to mention avatar?????, yeah, that show was a masterpiece.

I enjoyed the next avatar kora (yer i know that names wrong)
I mostly enjoyed the sport using benders on teams it was really cool and would make a tv show in it'self in my opinion

"Nervous Man in a 4 Dollar Room" has gotta be one of my favorite TV episodes ever. The script was amazing and the whole thing was shot in one room and yet has such great tension <3.