50 / 50
Mar 2022

The one that stood out to me the most was that one person few years back that said something along the lines of "Each time there's a new update I feel like throwing up, because I hope the story will get better, but it only gets worse" cue long rant.

27 days later

Once I get a hate comment I'm gonna drop college cause clearly someone is reading my stuff.

My family say - “Don’t waste your talent” quite often, which really rubs me the wrong way.

my parents say "go throw your weird drawings away, u have too many" lol

To everyone who has friends and fam telling them crap about their stuff. that sucks. But honestly, That's why no one (besides my wife) knows Im making a comic. haha. The sad thing is, it's a very easy secret to keep, cause no one cares what I'm doing all the time.
Anyway... This isn't a hate comment. But.. I just don't know how to take it, is it just pointing out the obvious? Or, criticizing me for being predictable?
(the comment)

"The hero succession trope never fails. "You- you...must protect the world from evil after I'm gone." dies "

It makes me appreciate how supportive everyone around me is and always was.
My relatives all love my comics and music

Lol.... I just got a comment from a site where i also share my comic, she wrote to me: "your links are dead. At least for me".

Honestly, that sounds like she actually has trouble clicking on your link :'D

If she wrote "your links are dead. At least to me", I would've assumed it was a jab at your comic (in the vein of "you/your comic is dead to me")

But ... please just double check if your link is working lmao XD

You're absolutely right... sometimes things can be misunderstood, once someone said something similar to me and this person answered me in a very rude way, you see,... the funny thing is that the webtoon link is fine ... I already sent her the links again.

I don't get much comments, positive or negative, but I think somewhat meanest comments on my comics have been for example commenting on the protagonist Sir Kiljaos the lion paladin:"Why he looks like a bootleg Simba?". I've never been too offended about this and just find it funny because he indeed did look too much like Simba from The Lion King in the early comics and drawings (below are comparisons between his looks in 2012 to 2019). :smiley:

Once my brother also commented on why most characters have to be anthro animals, but he just doesn't understand fantasy things and isn't the target audience so I've never been that offended by this.
Otherwise really the meanest reactions to my comics so far have been some times when I've shared a new page at Discord groups, and everyone have just ignored it and have immetiadedly started talking about something non-related after my posting.

Wow, your drawing is very detailed, those who comment on these things I bet they would like to have your artistic level.:slight_smile:

honestly, I've been lucky so far! I post on a few different platforms and everyone's been kind and supportive! Maybe I'm too small of an artist to merit hate comments yet haha

So far I've only received one hate comment.

If your going to say something is terrible at least explain why you think it's terrible lol.

I have never had any hate comment. The wost I got was someone who told me my story doesn't seem like it has any plot.

I haven't really had any hate comments on my comic but I've had hate comments on my fanfics XD I think the worst one was when someone left a long essay complaining that my fanfic was 'overrated' and that I was a lazy writer, despite me making weekly long chapters and putting my whole soul into the fic lol...

1 month later

closed Mar 26, '22

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