2 / 31
Aug 2020

Basically what is says, but how do you go about editing your work? Everyone does it a little bit differently.

•Do you edit right after writing? Walk away for a few days?
•Do you leave yourself notes that you never go back to? Update everything a million times before you can step away from it?
•Do you let a program do the editing for you? Have an editor? Manage on your own?
•Do you only edit on a computer? Print out some things and label them with post its?

I'm about to go kind of crazy with highlighters here, but I think it will be fun. What does the process look like for you?

  • created

    Aug '20
  • last reply

    Sep '21
  • 30


  • 1.5k


  • 16


  • 49


I write out the rough draft of my chapters, wait a day, then look back at them to make changes, sometimes I have a friend look over it too.

I tend to write the chapter, wait a day, re-read it and check for mistakes. After that I send it to friends I trust so they can check whatever I may have missed, write their feedback and do a final round-up of edits. When I am done with that I put it on Tapas, edit some style things and then publish it.

I try to read the chapter on the app to see if I didn't miss anything else; if I see something off, I edit it or else I just leave it be.

You guys have such nice friends. My editor is my fiance. He has to read my stuff or I don't cook dinner, lol jk

I also have a really hard time waiting before I edit, but I'll give it a once over before posting.

I write a section, fix easy things like typos, wait a while. I might write some more, and then during downtime when I don't have inspiration to write new content, I'll go back to reread completed passages and then do line edits.

Once a chapter is complete, I'll wait. Write some more. Then go back and reread/edit to make sure it flows as a whole.

Then once the whole book is complete, I might do a pass just listening to the whole thing on naturalreaders.com, a free text to speech site. But for sure I'll reread from the beginning and edit as I go. I may do this possibly 3 or 4 times. Depending on the story, I might have a critique partner go through and comment as well between my own rounds of editing.

I usually write in Microsoft Office: Word so it catches my spelling errors. Then once I've hit all the points I wanted to and finished up the chapter, I go back and reread it, scanning for grammar mistakes. Then I have one of my friends double check behind me since my eyes aren't always super reliable. And finally, after I've posted it, I go back after several months and review it to see if there's details I want to add in.

And finally, after I've posted it, I go back after several months and review it to see if there's details I want to add in.

That's where I am rn. No idea how people read my first chapter and decided to keep reading. Hindsight is 2020 (I'm not trying to make a 2020 the year joke here. That's a whole different topic.)

Yeah sometimes I look back and I'm just like "dear God what was I thinking"

I write a first draft of course, then I maybe wait a few days. I do a dual system of re-reading and fixing my work and using grammarly to check it as well.

I write then if I get stuck, look over, catch a typo, keep writing. As I go I’ll make notes in red if I know I need to clean up something and I usually write the most basic version of my thought. Then after a few days I’ll come back then edit, which includes changing words or taking out sentences, switching things around. Then I read over again to catch typos when I break down my episodes. Then one more before I schedule


long story lol
for wattpad I did this:
Write chapter
Editor friend went over it
Second editor friend

=> finisheed the novel, at 108K words
(version 2 is not online)
now: first rewrite
editor 1
Editor 2
beta readers

Hope that made sense xD
Book 2: just working on raw draft, no rereading, editing going on there yet

mmm for this novel 'cause i've already written it, i'm getting a nice set of fresh eyes on it just flicking through it to post, so im catching most of the concepts and sentences that could do with tightening up, but im very much a 'i want everything perfect first go' sort of person. I like to have my plot laid out before I start and i'll agonise over a sentence until it's how i want it, that sort of thing.

Now I'm coming back to it though, and having feedback from what people like about the beginning etc., im getting fresh ideas about how the characters react to events later in the story, so im planning on reworking entire scenes

that print out with the highlighters looks so organised though!! im just staring at a word document with my jaw hanging open unattractively

Its actually a lot of fun. I'm a very hands on kind of person so having a physical copy is helping me catch a lot of things I want to elaborate and change around.

I bet! it's so easy to get lost in a word document, I bet it makes it so easy to visualise the changes (plus arrows and highlights and crossing outs are such low commitment edits)

If I had more time, this letter would have been shorter. -- Mark Twain

I'm more of an editor than a writer to be honest. Because of that, my process is quite detailed. I could write an essay right here describing what all I do and why.

I will not.

You are welcome.

In a nutshell, I start with a verbose rough draft in which I've already included everything I might want in the final. Then in the first pass, I cut out large unneeded pieces, rework substantive changes like events and jokes, and change whatever spelling or grammar mistakes I happen to notice. The second pass is all about details. I cut unneeded individual words, reword sentences to make them tighter or more clear, and read each libe twice looking for typos errors. Sometimes I'm satisfied at that point, and sometimes it needs additional passes.

Lastly, I get another editor to make a final pass whenever feasible, because editing ones own work is never very accurate.

this is me but i can't actually cut things

i stand here in awe

i prefer to keep them in a cellar away from the light of day so i can peek in on them when i'm wondering if i made the right choice then shake my head and shut them away again

I will walk away for a few days, yes. Then I will come back, look over everything myself, and then send to my beta readers. I will make any further corrections needed, check once more, prepare the promotional material (I do all the art/music myself), and then update the novel!