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Oct 2024

Mine is personally the world building.I enjoy being able to create new creatures, or my own variations of popular creatures and then imagining how they would fit into the world system. If mermaids existed in modern day how would "normal" people treat them. How would the government react to fantasy creatures living among regular humans, and what steps might they take to keep them safe. I find it interesting to speculate on the way different worlds and governments react to these things, which is probably why I have so many modern fantasy stories lol.

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    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
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Definitely worldbuilding as well, and particularly the class and power systems. I have lost count how many times I buy game magazines, not to play any of the featured games, but just to see what kind of classes, races, factions, weapons, etc. that they offer, and what advantage and disadvantage each group has, haha.

character suffering hits different. lmaoo i grew up on fantasy so i love the escapism and the rule breaking, plus i really like magic and monsters and dragons :supicious_stache:

18 days later

I have created so much power-related lore and fun facts for "Crystal Blue" at this point it's not even funny.

just a few facts

  1. Mermaids are venomous, but their venom is generated in response to [anic, so they can't use it whenever they want
  2. Fairies can keep fertilized eggs dormant in their bodies for decades to postpone a pregnancy (one of the main characters did this for 41 years)
  3. Mermaids are bioluminescent in the water, and have a sense of smell that can rival that of a dogs

The world building, seeing interesting locations, Vast cities and towns full of history, Gorgeous biomes, old ruins. Various cultures and the unique challenges the main cast will have to face within them.

I love it when a world feels big and lived in.

19 days later

Aye, so often worlds feel empty, like things only exist where the characters are, and everything else is just kind of vague. Sometimes if you're going for post-apocalyptic it works, but otherwise it can feel hollow

The world building, just wanting to go on my own journey with my pet dragon just wandering not having a particular place in mind.

20 days later

Can we all agree that the ambiance and sense of disconnect from reality that you can channel through fantasy just hits different? In spec-fic altogether, there's a sort of ethereal, almost out of body nature to trying to get people to experience a sensation that they can only imagine because it's incomparable to anything on earth. I just love getting to write those parts into my stories, be that explaining how it feels for a dragon to shed her scales, or for a venomous mermaid to create her venom, etc.

Honestly? The ability to create horribly weird little creatures. Taking them from folklore and altering them, mashing two preexisting animals together, or just making something up, disgusting little beasts hit different.

I really like making up fantasy creatures or altering ones from existing lore too. it's always cool for me when i find an opportunity to alter and include an uncommon fantasy creature I've learned about in one of my stories