8 / 26
Jul 2021

My favorite? Silly Dad. Almost like Bumbling Dad1 but not incompetent, just silly.

Also adding an ANTI-trope opposed to:
Pantless Male, Fully-Dressed Female2.

It hasn't come up yet, but basically everyone is going to find the main character's name hard to pronounce. So she goes by a nickname with almost everyone. I'm looking forward to the exasperation.

I quite like "beware the nice ones." When a previously shy character just goes beserk.

At the top is Genre Deconstruction1! Unfortunately, I'm a fan of dark stories disguised as happy ones!

On the musical side, I've definitely abused Theme-and-Variations Soundtrack multiple times. I love mixing and interlacing character themes for certain chapters so much!

Though Dramatic Irony1 is another one I love. My story may not be a thriller, but there's something addicting about adding thriller-like elements to one!

@YS_og That's very traditional in mecha anime, I mean, that's basically the reasoning behind colony dropping in Gundam.

@stiatent I love me some Blood Knights, I have a couple planned in my novel that haven't appeared yet.

@allenT I think there is a tight balance between silly and incompetent and not many manage to handle it. When it's done right is great, like The Mitchells vs the Machines' dad.

@Scarlet_Cryptid Yeah but what trope is it?

@Stargazer31 Another classic.

@Oto_Kouda I love genre deconstruction, I have a Giant Robot story that I want to tell which is deconstructed as all hell.

My favourite trope? Unfortunately, that would be a spoiler. If I told you, I might have to kill you. (hint)
Genre: Crime/Mystery

mine is rivals to lovers, also I think bubbly enthusiastic sassy bards count as a trope

In The Space Bum -- a mysterious man of action with a secret no one could have guessed.

I think it's debatable as to how common or traditional. A lot of Gundam series from the UC set, yeah, but they were going to extremes in almost all cases like colony dropping. I am trying to go for the more political approach behind the violence, rather than pure violence to drive the politics.

But I think a lot of mecha anime I watched was more focused on just straight up warring nations/races not rebellions, or alien/non-terrestrial beings invading etc. Not saying I am not following the trope, though.

I was browsing and found this one. Now the main character Rhunal is an orc and embodies the fiery red oni disposition.

Her companion Bron is a large human man. He very much follows the blue oni disposition. But as the series goes on their personalities begin to rub off on each other. Especially once Rhunal, a mage, learns a spell that allows her to share his mind in battle.

The series.

The hardened assassin is actually gentle and kind :slight_smile:

I'm a fan of tragic flashbacks; I have each chapter intercut with the featured characters' flashbacks, so they don't interrupt the plot with exposition and more characterise them by showing why they are the way they are.
It's usually something pretty messed up too; dead parents, abandonment, horrible mistakes. Some less so, but typically it's something that needs to be addressed sooner or later.

Easy! I based this entire short comic on my favorite trope, rivalries!

I just can't get enough of them. there's something so cool about the idea of two people forcing each other to improve simply by being who they are. I love that they don't need to be friends to make each other's lives better - it's proof for how interacting with people different from you helps you expand your horizons and grow. the world ends with you, and all that good shit.
plus, if you can have them literally do nothing but stare each other down and they still look cool, you know you've got something good going.

:sob: Tragic backstory
Taren's past includes character death and betrayal told through flashbacks

:money_with_wings: Secret billionaire
Ryvan hides his status from his friends at uni

:fish: Fish out of water
Both Ryvan and Taren aren't familiar with the university environment

I suppose my comic sort of follows the hero's journey? XD And also the hidden magical world trope

Real Robots in general tend to have it when it involves two human factions, one subservient to the other or in a cruel war. Code Geass and Aldnoah Zero are examples of that apart from multiple Gundam series (Both UC and AU, like Seed)

Can't pick a favorite so here's a few:

I am song
The characters don't sing, but each gets a monologue around the campfire to tell their idea of their "story"

Vitriolic best buds
Every single friendship in the story is like this. what with the apocalypse and clashing personalities and all.

Meaningful name:
Each character's name is a nickname they chose after the world ended.

Never Mess With Granny! It only now starts to show a little more, but there is so much badassery from my two grandmas (95 and 72 respectively) coming in the future that the 3rd main character will have to reevaluate A LOT of their opinions. I generally miss having representation for older generations, and especially older queer folks, so here we go.