12 / 71
Aug 2017

Hi there~! I'm usually super shy, but I absolutely love this community so far.
I'm the creator of Pandemonium2 and I'm currently most active on my Instagram2, but I also have Tumblr1 and Facebook1 ^^

my twitter1

i think i use instagram the most for art

i do use tumblr but its a Secret lmao

aaand my comic

These are my most recent works.

Tapas comic XD

Instragram @ scarlet_wings_kaili

Here is ours. I would love to hear from my fellow creators and maybe do some work together.


Here are my contests on Tapas Media:

and my blog where you can read more info about contests, as well as webcomic reviews (and a few other goodies):

I am fairly active on twitter2, too.


These are my comics

This is my Instagram

Hello GraggK, I am 'Spudfuzz' everywhere - super famous potato cat bikini model. (=ↀωↀ=)✧

Here is my instagram

Here is my twitter

I am also on Paigee World

And my Youtube1
I am starting a video diary project there where I critique my own pages, sort of a progress journal of myself learning how to make comics. ( ಠωಠ)

Hey guys! This is my smoll comic -

and I'm mostly on Twitter @eleviken!1

Hey guys, I only have one social media lol and thats instagram
my insta is @w.fll.agn. I mostly post art stuff there so go ahead and check that out!

heres my REALLY old deviant art (just saying theres a lot of cringy shit there)

And sub to my comic if you want to! <3

hey folks!!! im dots...jen? w/e im fine with either or!! im a freelance animator and i love to freelance animate.

im mostly active on twitter3 nowadays but i have a tumblies2 too. and here's my comic! :blush:

Alright! Great response, everyone. I just got off work and I'm tired so expect some replies from me tomorrow, errrr, later today. I just realized i'll need about 15 devices open to do all this.... Steve Jobs's ghost loves me... Thanks so much for reaching out and I'll talk to you very soon.

Gregg K

Hey guys!
I'm not so good at social media either. I just try to use them, but well... ^^; Anyway, these are my comics:

You can find me on twitter1 and tumblr1.

Hi I'm not te best at social media


hello!!! my name is kris!

im mostly active on twitter hehe i'd love to meet you all +___+


Thanks so much for the reply and posting your comic et al. Your comic looks great btw and congrats on all your work. I subbed you and followed and friended and all I could. Looking forward to more.

Gregg K