2 / 9
Apr 2023

I wouldn’t dye my hair but I would definitely wear a wig and dress up like one of my characters.

I’d like to be


Yes I’d love to cross dress sometime lol. :joy:

Yeah, kinda still rocking it, although I really need to retouch... a lot of roots :joy:
But I changed the hair color and length a lot of times over the years, so can't say it's anything too special :grin: although I am enjoying it for sure ^^

Wigs would be a better option I'd say. I have very sturdy asian hair and the dye just slides on it... even going a few tones lighter means hours of bleaching so.... wigs.

Once my hair were messy like the female protagonist of my comic, when I shape my hair straight they are never all at the same lenght 🤣 But I should cut them now, so nope.

Mine are lighter then Anna, I should dye them using a dark brown (I did this mistake in the past, my hair turned black)

I did ages ago,
Naturally black hair and did blue green highlights on the side
to look like this character who was based on my style back then

then ended up changing it to goldish-red highlights XD

this was how it actually looked with the gold

And I forgot I had a blackberry at that time bec i broke my then phone XD

These days I got short hair, and notice some of the guys have my side swept hairstyle
Yea hair is awesome stuff!

I recently tried out dying my hair, but deliberately avoided having the same colour as any of my main characters because I thought it'd be so obnoxious if I did it red for people to keep asking if Rekki was a self-insert. I went for a sort of magenta colour (different from Jules' cool dark violet)... It's frustrating though because scarlet would probably suit me... :sweat_02:

The degree of similarity in looks my characters have to me is directly proportional to how comfortable I am with people thinking they're my self-insert XD