I hate that I'm the first reply on a topic like this, but: I think I would rather live in hell. ⊙_⊙;
I've never met an anime fan IRL that I've wanted to talk to...I've never heard a conversation between anime fans IRL that I wanted to be a part of. That is to say, I don't think I would get along with the average anime fan...it's gotten to the point where I usually don't call myself an 'anime fan' anymore, because I feel like that phrase describes a certain type of person that I am actually not.
For one thing, I feel like there's a large emphasis in the anime fan community (especially now that it's gaining traction in the mainstream) to "induct" people: to get them to watch anime, then get them to watch all the anime you like, and then all the anime all your friends like, and keep recommending more and more-- there is only one thing I hate more than consuming content, and it's consuming content that was recommended to me. >_< So yeah, that sounds pretty miserable already.
Secondly, I feel like a lot of those recommendations are really...shallow?? For lack of a better word...like, every fan-pitch I've heard for an anime focuses on how cool its core concept is. Not about the strength of the writing, not about the strength of the characters, not even about the plot (unless they're complaining about a story beat they didn't like).
I've been watching people talk about Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, and JJK for years, and I still have barely any idea what goes on in those shows outside of "cool fights", and how the characters' powers work...because that's what it's all about, apparently. And yeah, that stuff is interesting, but it's not gonna make me watch a show.
And if I finally force myself to watch a show with a cool core concept and end up dissatisfied, I'll just be twice as bitter that such an interesting idea was wasted on an incompetent story (YuYuYu...Revue Starlight...). And I'll feel like the only one, because 90% of anime fans don't seem to care. Anime criticism only seems to exist in the vein of explaining why trashy anime that was designed to be trashy is trashy, and why super-popular anime doesn't 'deserve' its success. In between, there's just this void...makes me feel like I'm just a hater, even though I know I'm not. As usual, I just happen to hold all the unpopular media opinions...
...So yeah, I don't think I would have a good time in an anime-fan commune. ^^;;