4 / 58
Jan 2021

Ok, so this is a question I've been wanting to ask for a while now. Where do you as a content creator put Tapas on your road to success? Is at the beginning of your journey, somewhere in the middle, or at the end? Is it a stepping stone, or your last stop?

For me personally, I started out on Wattpad years ago with no experience and no plan. It took me a while before I gained a fanbase, but even after I started gaining readers I continued to press forward, though I had no idea where I was going or where I wanted to end my journey. Then a friend told me about Tapas and I decided to contact them and pitch one of my stories for the premium program. (very nerve wracking!)

As an author, I consider Tapas my biggest breakthrough. Working with them was an amazing milestone I never expected to reach. They have helped me in so many ways and offered so many opportunities. I still don't know where I'll end my quest, or exactly where I want to go next, but Tapas has been the biggest step for me so far.

If you have experienced some milestones of success, (aka gaining a fanbase, publishing a book/comic, creating merch, etc) what are they, and where did they mainly happen? On Tapas, a previous site, or someplace else entirely? Where would you like to go next, and what would you like to be your FINAL end goal as a creator?

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There are 57 replies with an estimated read time of 15 minutes.

I haven't ventured far outside of Tapas, mostly because I find keeping up with multiple platforms to be so tedious. And since my ultimate goal is to be traditionally published, I didn't want to entirely cement myself in the online world.

Tapas was supposed to be a way for me to expose my writing to others and hopefully learn some things before I went on to look for an agent.

And then I was one of the winners for the Writer's Camp (when that was still going on) and I became a Premium author. I've definitely learned during my time with Tapas and now I'm on my second Premium novel! I never anticipated having any sort of presence on Tapas so I'm still surprised I have what I have :sweat_02:

I've enjoyed my time here and I don't have plans to give up Tapas anytime soon, so maybe I'll be a hybrid author instead! As long as I'm working toward my ultimate dream of making writing my career, I'm happy. And I'll keep learning along the way ^^

No offense to Tapas at all, but we really can't envision anyone on here treating Tapas as anything more than a stepping stone.

You can do better and you can go farther. Don't see Tapas as the end of the line here. :frowning: If you're good enough, you need to eventually find a bigger stone. In our opinion, a creator is never done.

We die still trying to be the best, the highest, the strongest. :smiley:

I've always wanted to do traditional publishing!! I just don't know where to start LOL. It's hard to get your foot in the door on an avenue like that.

Yes there is Amazon publishing, but that isn't an end all, easy avenue either.

What novels series have you published under premium?

I've been learning a lot about it as I've been developing my writing. I'm hoping to start a trad pub project soon once I get my current Tapas novel, Devilish Cupcakes, done. My other one is Fox Trap ^^

Haha, yes! Go hard or go home, as they say.

But you know, with Tapas opening up Studio Tapas and other Tapas programs, it's actually holding out newer and bigger opportunities than ever before. Even for brand new writers and comic creators!

Ooooo, I see! Very exciting then! Can I ask, where would you start a project like that? And do you plan to solicit publishing companies like normal?

I still don't know how that really works, since a lot of places don't accept unsolicited manuscripts anymore.

Haha I guess your user pic gives away your book project! XD I'm the author of The Dragon Prince's Bride. Nice to meet you! ^-^

I will give you an excellent resource for learning about traditional publishing!

Alexa has a lot of great videos on how traditional publishing works and resources to help navigate through the process. She is very open about the industry and I consider a gift to anyone who is interested in trad pub.

Nice to meet you as well! I've known your name since I've been here, but I don't think we've chatted before ^^

We're aiming for places like DAW Books or IMG. We've entered a novel to their Premium System for the sole purpose of adding that achievement to our portfolio, something to show another agent or publisher. :smiley:

Two books we published for other clients got Pinnacle awards already so...maybe we can follow suit with our own works. Who knows? it's a new year, new opportunities for everyone.

We advise everyone, big and small, to take every opportunity you can. :heart:

Wow, thanks! I'll take a look at this! ^-^

Yes, I'm not very good at talking in the forums lol. I mostly just hang around to see what other people are saying or doing. X-P

Started on Tapas and have been staying here since 2015.
I initially just wanted a nice platform to host my webcomics in conjunction with tumblr. But Tapas definitely brought me more readers and gave me a start on Patreon.

By posting here, it got me to a place that I'm happy with, but now I feel like I've plateaued. In no part do I blame Tapas, it's just a hosting site after all, and it ultimately comes down to me and how far I am able to push myself. It's just my own personal roadblocks really. I can't keep up with the shiny new webcomics coming out every month and by putting my first webcomic on webtoon, that reality is hitting me hard. It's been on WT almost a year and I still have yet to break 1k subs.

I'm trying novels now and am super happy I can have my novels and comics on the same platform. Hence why I'll continue to stay with Tapas for the foreseeable future, even if I do try out other sites and ventures on the side.

I may take a shot at pitching to premium someday, but only if I feel I have a story that can appeal to a mass audience. But it seems with each story I come up with, they become more niche :sweat_smile:

A stepping stone, honestly--just an experience to try something different and see how it feels. I mostly chose Tapas because I was tired of hosting comics to my own site and the glitches that followed that. So for me, this is just...this is just a portfolio. But my end goals aren't necessarily comics. It is in story telling, it is in being involved with the storytelling industry, but if it segues into comics that would be cool but if it doesn't, then this was a good practice to teach me quite a bit about how to market a story, how to work with an audience, all that.

I mean especially with lockdown I've sort of gone more ham into comics than I expected I would...and it was mostly because I wanted to see it as an opportunity to try new things. So since my following is small, I did a bunch of different stylistic approaches, I even started publishing a novel--which I never thought I would post on the internet. It's been a fun experiment and I've learned a lot, but my expectations wasn't that I would post and then bam! be on the top of the internet. I mostly wanted to be more comfortable with putting myself out there where my art is completely original and not something I'm either making for a client, or something that was an iteration of another IP to try and get hired. It's just mine.

I don't know if Tapas is a stepping stone into a larger career or a career itself. I write a ton of stuff and at this point I haven't really settled down with any one format or style or even medium--which is all perfectly OK right now because I'm living a pretty easy life with a stable job and lots of free time while I'm here in Japan. It won't be too long before I'll have to find what kind of writing career will really work for me, but I'm glad to take my time while I have the option.

If I can make a Tapas comic that really blows up, and that presents an opportunity for a larger career? I'm sure I'll take it. I really hope that happens!

Wattpad could possibly be a good place to host the novel as well and to do cross promotion. It's where I started, although it is pretty over saturated with fanfics and stuff...

Tapas is def great for experience and learning. And with the forums and community it can help you connect with other artists. I once tried Wattpad forums, but their rules were so strict that I think they were mostly only for promotions, or really specific topics. Like, Historical Fiction, Romance, etc. Of course, I didn't look around too much, because I was so new and already feeling lost xD

You know, I truly believe Tapas could be a career itself. But what marks a successful career in each persons mind are different. So, I guess it depends on the person.

Tapas was the first place where I started posting my writing seriously, so I'd say it's the beginning of my writing career. But I guess it's also a stepping stone in a way? I'm using this place to develop my skills and explore things, and to find an audience and "my thing". I am going to pursue writing more seriously and try to get published, and Tapas will be a good experience with it.
But I don't think I'll be leaving this site in a while either. I do enjoy posting here. But I definitely want more than just Tapas.Or what I'm currently have at Tapas.

As a new creator and user in this community, I would say Tapas is definitely the beginning of my journey. I've always had a passion for writing, but I never really thought of publishing my own novel. Personally, I was much more of a reader than an author. However, when I started my "journey" in Tapas, something pushed me into publishing a novel, but I never really published or wrote anything in Wattpad, Archive Of Our Own, or any other website or program used for writing novels. Basically, I started with zero. No fanbase. No plan. No definite schedule. No experience in publishing. No anything.

Honestly speaking, when I created my novel, I wasn't really planning on having a huge fanbase or earning money or ink, I just wanted to write. I guess getting support is my secondary reason; the main reason would be for myself! Right now, I have 38 subscribers, and my novel has reached 310 views and 61 likes. I'd say it's pretty great, since I'm new and all. Anyway, I'm still looking forward to whatever comes before me as my long journey in Tapas continues! o(^▽^)o

Let's see. For me, I'm at the very beginning of my journey, so I signed up on Tapas to...

  • Tell some stories
  • Meet other artists
  • Find some readers
  • Figure out where my comics fit "genre-wise"
  • Get a ton of drawing/comic-making experience
  • Ask for feedback since I don't have formal art training (admittedly, I haven't done this yet)

There's one unintentional benefit of having joined - I was finally able to see exactly where I am in my journey. So that's really helped combat a lot of success and worth-based issues I have.

In the end, I'm aiming to either self-publish or traditionally publish, but that's still several years off since I'm nowhere close to being ready to work on my flagship project!