6 / 20
Apr 2021

Other than youtube for background sound that I like to have on, I love forum sites. Gaiaonline is one that I frequent on and off for years for RPing and their casual shtpost community.

Just wondering if I'm missing out on some awesome communities?

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
  • 19


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I use a lot of Reddit, my favorite community in there is /r/mechanicalkeyboards. No drama or toxicity, just keyboards.

That's a fun subreddit. Don't think I'll visit much since I use a laptop, but I never thought of decorating keycaps. its cute!

Gaia still exists? I had no idea, I thought it died years ago! :shook_01:

I spend most of my time here, and on the art side of Twitter.

I spend most of my time on here, Webtoon, and that damned Google Classroom T_T .

This one, Youtube, and Instagram.. In that order, for sure. I'm usually kinda lurking nowadays, but every once in a while, I'll decide "eh, why not? let's interact with whatever looks interesting on all of them"

Yeah Gaia is crazy now. Used to be really chill but the art forums there are starting to use real life currency, RPs are starting to have really elaborate character graphics, and I like that energy.

I haven't gotten the hang of twitter yet but I'm exploring! :hushed:

This site has been a recent frequent visit place for me too since I joined. Now the tapas forum tab is always open on my computer. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Same. There's a lot of cool subreddits without drama. I'm mostly on r/writingprompts.

Definitely ao3. About 60% of my time is spent there. 30% on youtube, 7% here and 3% on social media. I am so productive.

/r/writingprompts and /r/photoshopbattles are also favorites of mine

I forgot this, but I'm on discord a lot as well. It's been a great way to find friends in this rather isolated time.

Used to be gaia then all of my gaia friends migrated to a different forum so now that’s the one i frequent most probably. Never used either forum for RP cus that’s not something i do but i have a solid group of pals i basically grew up with on gaia over the years. A solid 15+ years now.

Oh my! Is Gaiaonline still alive!? I used to sell breedable lineart on there yeeeeears ago (Padfootspaws) :sweat_02:

One of the ways I got into digital art.

omg I used to do gaia art commissions haha
(in the gaia currency lol)

I mostly use the typical socials... And Tumblr :smiley: