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Dec 2015

Hi everyone, I'm new to tapastic and hope to know more creators. I already have a webcomic called RockMaryRock58 hosted on my own site. Seeing how the community here is so huge, I created MY SERIES36 here on tapastic too (updates slower). So Rock Mary Rock is an all ages webcomic. The story centers around Mary, a young teen who accidentally awakens the spirit of a deceased legendary guitarist, Rock Maxel. I'm wondering if anyone else also has a webcomic that has a female protagonist and why? (especially if you're a guy too, why did you create a female protagonist)



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There are 122 replies with an estimated read time of 30 minutes.

Firstly, awesome website! Secondly Awesome topic!

I am a dude and have created a female protagonist [well I've MANY but only one of them has a webcomic about her for now. Franqui 'n' Friends13

The reason is one that I always ponder on myself frequently.What I seem to land on the most are two things.

  1. As I was growing up there weren't many good female characters, compared to all the rad, awesome dudes.

  2. For me female characters are able to express themselves in a more profound way.

For me, being the late 20s male that I am, the female character is one that won't be questioned when she shows her "soft" side [affection, sorrow, etc.], the Female character is celebrated when she shows her "hard" side [tough, gritty, etc] So the female character is one that can allow for a wide range of storytelling and is more appealing/can be easier to accept.

Not to say that Male charactera can't be accepted, it just seems to me, in my head/opinion, that the female character is quite a powerful thing to have.

Well, that's my Two cents. Again GREAT topic!

Hey! I bumped into you on WU and CF. Good to see you here too!

I wish I could follow your comic on Tapastic so I would get notifications for updates, but I understand mirroring can be a hassle.

I love your webcomic's style! Your comic's cover photo makes me happy, maybe because of how pretty the blue you used in it is! Sorry for being weird, in short, your comic looks awesome!

My latest webcomic Cosmos Song6 features a female protagonist. 2 out of the 3 stories i've created have had female leads. Considering I am female, I feel like I can add a lot more dimension to a female main character.

I'm a male with a shoujo webcomic named Life of an Aspie16 which of course features a female character as the main characters (as well as being the aforementioned aspie in the title)

I wanted to see if I could write a good female character who could carry her own series which is why Life of an Aspie came to be in the first place. You don't see many comics with a protagonist who falls somewhere on the autistic spectrum and as an aspie myself, I sure as heck didn't see or know of any comics tailored to someone like me growing up so that's my second reason for LoaA's existence. The third reason I created a manga with a female protagonist is because I felt with making the main lead an aspie, it would lend itself to unique storytelling opportunities for young women who fall somewhere on the spectrum are barely heard of irl and are non existent in comics. (as far as I know)

Hello there and welcome to Tapastic! I really really like your art style and your concept sounds really cool!

My comic, Aetherwing5, is a fantasy comic with a female protagonist (I am also female.) There isn't really a specific reason why, I just tend to gravitate more towards female characters in general. You'll find a lot of the major characters in Aetherwing are women.

I did a oneshot in December with a female protagonist - it's called Wishlight6!

My main series3 doesn't really have a female protagonist (that is, one of the two main characters is a girl, but she's 5 years old and selectively mute, so she doesn't take center stage the way the male character does), but it does have a lot of ladies in a bunch of prominent roles, and there will be even more of them later down the line.

My series Retro7 mainly features girls in main roles, I dunno I noticed I created a reverse harem of some sort. Right now it's 3 girls and 1 guy, and the guy is basically helpless and relies on two of the 3 leading girls for now until I debut his powers at the end of the current chapter(23). Hell even then he needs to learn how to use his powers effectively, so it's gonna be a while before he can compete with his female counterparts!

Female writer/artist here. After some experiments with different approaches to the story, the female protagonist in my comic4 just happened to make the most sense. Coming from a "normal" world, she's new to an island where a bunch of...less than normal things happen, so I believe her point of view is the most relatable one as the readers will slowly but surely figure things out along with her. Could've easily been one of the guys though if I told the story from another point of view.

When I read other people's comics, I couldn't care less about the protagonist's gender or the overall male/female ratio--I just want writers/artists to create what they enjoy and think works best for their story, not anything along the lines of "better give more attention to male/female/___ characters to be so politically correct it hurts." (But that's not a thing I've been seeing here at all, just on other websites.)

Most stories I write have multiple protagonists, all of which with switch from male and female characters, while the stories I've done were it's more focused on a single 'main' character usually fluctuate between male and female characters. HOWEVER when it comes to translating these novels into webcomics none of my stories with female protagonists (not counting the multiple protagonists) have not been in high demand. (I put most of my stories through trusted friends / family first before trying to go through the trouble of converting them, to see if they will stand a chance of catching on)

I was for a while working to have a series go through, and it was one of the ones that happened to have a female protagonist, but because of my health I couldn't stress myself by starting up another comic. So was looking for artists to assist me. I had it completely plotted out, with most of the dialog written out, and I had many of the characters design and reference sheets ready to go. I got a good amount of artists excited about the project and wanting to work on it so I had a team ready, but I am not very good at bossing people around... and when one artists slacks the whole project would end up getting put on hold, constantly, to the point where it looked like it just wasn't going to happen, so it was canceled. I still would like to work on this project, not sure if I'll look into trying the team thing again though, I'll probably just end up working on it myself, but that of course is all dependent on if I can find the time. At the very least I can release it as script or visual novel once that side of tapastic is added.

Although they have not all come to be seen here on Tap yet IN my comic Talesfromswipecity2 I have four female Protagonist who are a group of friends, although they kind split into two groups most stories.
Cassie: the older posher of the group, who's always finding herself in trouble.
Roz: the younger new kid who's always finding trouble to get Cassie into.
Jane: Nice on the inside, tough on the outside and kinda messed up about her mom and dad's break up
Zoe: The rock star wannabe who can't defend herself for toffee, so always in need of help.

These are the main representatives of the family's featured and thought them more domestic drama stories can be written. I somehow seem to be very good at writing mother daughter dust ups they always make good scenes.

While my main comic Fallacy3 doesn't have a female as a protagonist, I do have bunch of women in roles that would make them deuteragonists / tritagonists depending on how you want to look at it. They have their own plot line running parallel to the "main story". Or rather, their plot line is integral part of the main story which couldn't happen without it. While the first arc doesn't focus too much on them, they are still essential to it and the further the story goes, the bigger their screen time will be. I think that they will actually get almost ½ of all the screen time in time if the planned pacing doesn't change.

Then there is also a one shot comic I'm publishing Sea Love2 which has female protagonists.

I'm also developing another long form comic which will have a female protagonist along with several side characters but that one won't see the light of day for months yet.

I think I like having a lot of female characters because I'm slightly fed up with the pattern of 4 men, 1 woman so I try to make my casts very balanced. A lot of time my stories don't have elements that would dictate that character has to be certain gender for the plot to work, so I can freely decide about this. Sometimes characters demand to be male or female. But then again, a lot of time I can switch them around easily because their personalities aren't tethered to it. So if I notice there's an imbalance of genders, it's easy to fix into something that will make me happy. More women in all sorts of roles is always good in entertainment. :3

actually i havent any human characters in my comics (that s quite an owngoal but... well... that's it)(i would draw a female but there s no space for humans in GRUNK :\

btw, my next 2 comic (im planning them right now)(so this mean i ll work in the next future), will own a female main character each. 1 ll be in another absurd story, the other 1 in a complicated fantasy world...
why a female? well, in the first i need a character strong in a crazy world, some1 who can fit a role "wrong when right", while in the 2nd story i need a "human" female like i image (so, not a sexy bomb super heroine or a crazy one)

My comic Final Light3 have a female as protagonist (I'm also a female), even though in the latest episodes she got a little aside by the other characters, it's just because she's insecure about what's going on and soon she'll get gain the power as a lead xD

My comic Serenade Song5 has two female protagonists . As for why? Female characters have always been more interesting to me. Not to say male characters aren't or can't be interesting, just not as much for me.

Shorter version: Girl's are cool.

Well my comic IMAGICA=verse5 is about magic girls so GIRLS take the CENTER STAGE!

As a nerdy guy who have zero experiences with girls I am forced to consult my lady friends on how does a girl react to a given situation :/

Also too many badass Male heroes, time to make a badass Female hero!!

Hey woah I really like your comic premise, paneling, art and style! :'D Consider a new subscriber!

My webcomic Cosmic Fish3 has a female protagonist though she's often been confused for a boy at times by readers and characters alike. Although she's more androgynous than female, with preferred female pronouns. Much like the second protagonist, Bells, who is pretty much a living rock with "pigtails". But hey, the series (although just starting out) is meant to focus on their friendship.

As to the why, the characters just worked. I didn't consider the gender at the time. I had the characters, liked the chemistry. My characters in my comics tend to be preeeetty balanced, so there's that too.

My comic is told mostly from the PoV of a male character, but the actual protagonist is female (in a sort of "lemme tell you about this person I know" kind of narrative). You could argue that they share the role of protagonists, but the story is about who she is and how she grows and overcomes adversity as a person, not so much for the narrator. Actually, the majority of the cast is female.

I'm also planning another comic in the same universe, which will be a horror comic that follows a female protagonist as she tries to save her twin sister from the grips of an evil alien monstrosity. This comic won't be started until an appropriate time in the plot of the current comic arises.

I'm male, and I seem to write an even mix of male and female protagonist stories, but the ones I write with female protagonists tend to have more developed and complex characters. Not really sure why.

Runewriters3 has a female protagonist! Tareth is a sheltered deaf girl who tries to help her best friend with #shapeshifterproblems and somehow gets dragged along on an absurd magical quest. I didn't make a conscious decision to have a lady as the main characer, so I can't really say why -- Tareth just sort of sprang fully formed from my forehead, and I'm still just guessing what the unconscious inspiration for her was. xD

I'm a lady, but I tend to have way more guy characters than lady characters -- I think a lot of us who were raised on fantasy do, just because it's what we're used to seeing! I have a lot of respect for the people who make an effort to put more lady characters out there to counteract that; they've inspired me to make more of an effort in my future comics, too! :>

Just curious... did you get this idea from an online conversation you had? Because I talked with someone over comments a while back (it may have even been here on Tapastic) about how someone needs to make a story about someone who finds a possessed guitar and becomes a rock star. The other person said they wanted to make it, so I've kind of been waiting to see if it would ever happen.
Was that you? Or is this just a coincidence?

Sorry for random.

As for your topic... my fantasy comic, Outcast Kingdom4, has four main protagonists-- two are female, two are male (though one of the male heroes almost shouldn't even count when it comes to gender ratio, but I won't say because I like it to be kind of a surprise (even though it's on the second page)). One is a thin, delicate little sorceress who will instantly become everyone's best friend. The other is a badass warrior woman and the team leader-- she can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, but she really does care about her friends.

I guess I gave the group an even gender ratio to prevent the whole "bunch of men with one token female" sort of thing. Plus I just really liked the personalities I had written for them, and they fit better this way than if they had been men.