28 / 67
Mar 21

Yay :tada: glad it worked :smiley:
this one lookin like the one u was tryin to download rite?
I tried to upload the other two but sayin it too big

Nah, well...I mean, I COULD use that one too, but I mostly got that one since it was more clear to me that it was cut off at the bottom so the support team could help me. The other one didn't look too bad until you showed me how little I had of it :joy: thanks again, dude!

Yea so many options they gave on link I didn't know where to start lol
well you get through with an even better one then XD :muscle:

no ure the genius :wink: :thumbsup: thanks to this thread

Yell had any luck deciding your inksgiving goals yet?
My lower ones mostly Q&As wit additional chara per tier, here brainstorming those bigger ones.
Good luck on everyone getting theirs organized :muscle:

As for ink goals….. well I may reopen the AU OC shop for that stretch of time. Still deciding on ink goals. May do a Q&A as well @stiatent

Edit: and thanks :pray: your so sweet 🥹

I can probably only do shout-outs, honestly. I haven't written anything the last couple days (I meant to write, I swear! :pray:) so I couldn't do sneak peeks or something like that... I'm not prepared for this at all :joy:

Maybe a special crossover episode would be nice for the top dono? :thinking: Idk yet

I'm in the same boat. Fan art? Newp. Illustrations? Negatory. Collabs, crossovers, FAQ's, and character/series info? abso-friggin-lutely. Oh, and shout-out's too. :rofl:

I wish I could do a Q&A but nobody ever gives me questions... Oh well :joy: I'm starting to like the idea of a special crossover episode more though! It'd be fun to work with the creator on a cute/cool little storyline :sunglasses:

I did one with Thunder Chicken between his story, Defining Daecon, and my main character from the Veil Saga. It really was super cool and a lot of fun, PLUS it's a great way to make a friend in the process! :smiley:

You read my mind- yep totally seeing the top donor having something special for their series in mines- since many of the participants are creators- but struggling to come up with a version of top donor if its turns out to just be a reader. Maybe Q&A too? Since answering as your characters are usually fun.
Dont give up hope will get this time :muscle:

@BellaTheCow oh interesting like an Alternate Universe au? Yep Q&A are always fun and interactive . You also sweet too my friend :smiley::+1:

@CEWashburn yep exactly great way to make friends love q&as the most. Speaking of Thunder Chicken he gave me some hilarious questions on my recent Q&A 🤣 yep your ideas sound cool too, FAQs series info and Shoutouts.
I have to take my shoutouts a step further for the inskgiving bec its been a usual habit to do them for subs. So still brainstorming this.

Lol you can always give me your questions anytime, Bella :+1: I'm always up for a Q&A! I actually tried making one a few weeks ago for Embers of Hope but I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in it since I don't have too many average readers for it...

Anyway, I'm not completely dismissing Q&A's is basically what I'm saying :joy::+1:

Yeah exactly! Like if you have a knight character, you can ask me to turn him or her into a farmer in an alternate universe version of their story. Or if you just want a portrait of your oc that’s cool too.

Here’s the shop, still closed but now I’m really thinking about opening it for inksgiving.


Just show a reference or description and I’d sketch it out for ink was the plan. @stiatent any ideas you’re working on? Like besides q and a or still brainstorming? :thinking:

i'm hyper excited for inksgiving, really missed it in november.
thinking about what to make my goals, but i know that i'll definitely go crazy this year and shove as many gifs into this event as i can :hype_01:

Oh thats cool that sounds nice how you include their OC as part of it :+1: its almost like comissions right?
Edit- i saved your shop page :+1: love your watercolor/ marker-ish style and the portraits look pretty keep it up

Yep still brainstorming
Thinking one of the higher ink reward can be about 5 cg images with fights between current and unreleased characters. But everyone gets to vote on the characters based on several presented (since i got some of the 3d models done for future characters)

But was also thinking Top Donor -
To do a special episode with my series cast talking about their series. Showing various scenes from theirs or anything that can help serve as a detailed featurette for theirs ( have to better flesh it between novelist or comic artist)

But then still cant decide reward if its just a reader being top donor. Sort of similar to you was thinking of making it sort of like a comission but the none-creator donor gets to create a sick boy themed OC to be featured in an artwork alongside the MCs and then they keep copy to do as they wish much like a comission. :thinking:
Still polishing them

It's a good thing we have some time to brainstorm ideas, because there really is a lot we could do to reward our readers. I don't even know what my goals are gonna be yet...what are some basic ones that y'all have seen?