31 / 67
Mar 20

no ure the genius :wink: :thumbsup: thanks to this thread

Yell had any luck deciding your inksgiving goals yet?
My lower ones mostly Q&As wit additional chara per tier, here brainstorming those bigger ones.
Good luck on everyone getting theirs organized :muscle:

As for ink goals….. well I may reopen the AU OC shop for that stretch of time. Still deciding on ink goals. May do a Q&A as well @stiatent

Edit: and thanks :pray: your so sweet 🥹

I can probably only do shout-outs, honestly. I haven't written anything the last couple days (I meant to write, I swear! :pray:) so I couldn't do sneak peeks or something like that... I'm not prepared for this at all :joy:

Maybe a special crossover episode would be nice for the top dono? :thinking: Idk yet

I'm in the same boat. Fan art? Newp. Illustrations? Negatory. Collabs, crossovers, FAQ's, and character/series info? abso-friggin-lutely. Oh, and shout-out's too. :rofl:

I wish I could do a Q&A but nobody ever gives me questions... Oh well :joy: I'm starting to like the idea of a special crossover episode more though! It'd be fun to work with the creator on a cute/cool little storyline :sunglasses:

I did one with Thunder Chicken between his story, Defining Daecon, and my main character from the Veil Saga. It really was super cool and a lot of fun, PLUS it's a great way to make a friend in the process! :smiley:

You read my mind- yep totally seeing the top donor having something special for their series in mines- since many of the participants are creators- but struggling to come up with a version of top donor if its turns out to just be a reader. Maybe Q&A too? Since answering as your characters are usually fun.
Dont give up hope will get this time :muscle:

@BellaTheCow oh interesting like an Alternate Universe au? Yep Q&A are always fun and interactive . You also sweet too my friend :smiley::+1:

@CEWashburn yep exactly great way to make friends love q&as the most. Speaking of Thunder Chicken he gave me some hilarious questions on my recent Q&A 🤣 yep your ideas sound cool too, FAQs series info and Shoutouts.
I have to take my shoutouts a step further for the inskgiving bec its been a usual habit to do them for subs. So still brainstorming this.

Lol you can always give me your questions anytime, Bella :+1: I'm always up for a Q&A! I actually tried making one a few weeks ago for Embers of Hope but I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in it since I don't have too many average readers for it...

Anyway, I'm not completely dismissing Q&A's is basically what I'm saying :joy::+1:

Yeah exactly! Like if you have a knight character, you can ask me to turn him or her into a farmer in an alternate universe version of their story. Or if you just want a portrait of your oc that’s cool too.

Here’s the shop, still closed but now I’m really thinking about opening it for inksgiving.


Just show a reference or description and I’d sketch it out for ink was the plan. @stiatent any ideas you’re working on? Like besides q and a or still brainstorming? :thinking:

i'm hyper excited for inksgiving, really missed it in november.
thinking about what to make my goals, but i know that i'll definitely go crazy this year and shove as many gifs into this event as i can :hype_01:

Oh thats cool that sounds nice how you include their OC as part of it :+1: its almost like comissions right?
Edit- i saved your shop page :+1: love your watercolor/ marker-ish style and the portraits look pretty keep it up

Yep still brainstorming
Thinking one of the higher ink reward can be about 5 cg images with fights between current and unreleased characters. But everyone gets to vote on the characters based on several presented (since i got some of the 3d models done for future characters)

But was also thinking Top Donor -
To do a special episode with my series cast talking about their series. Showing various scenes from theirs or anything that can help serve as a detailed featurette for theirs ( have to better flesh it between novelist or comic artist)

But then still cant decide reward if its just a reader being top donor. Sort of similar to you was thinking of making it sort of like a comission but the none-creator donor gets to create a sick boy themed OC to be featured in an artwork alongside the MCs and then they keep copy to do as they wish much like a comission. :thinking:
Still polishing them

It's a good thing we have some time to brainstorm ideas, because there really is a lot we could do to reward our readers. I don't even know what my goals are gonna be yet...what are some basic ones that y'all have seen?

Aw thanks! :pray: yeah it’s essentially commissions with a twist. :laughing:

And wow yeah you really are onto something with all these ideas. Keep it up, I really can’t wait to see how all these turn out. :sunglasses::+1:.

Idk this is my first time so haven’t been around to observe that long, but I would think “basic” is like reaching a certain amount to get a q&a or something which works too @CEWashburn