@alliascompany @aqua03
The boardwalk sagged ever so slightly under the group’s feet, but didn’t threaten to break. If it weren’t for the somewhat run-down buildings lining the shore, as well as the fact that there weren’t many people around, the Rockpoint shore might have looked like a welcoming beach resort town.
Yael walked a short distance behind Joni, who was signing to themself and humming, lost in thought. She let them be for a bit, when she saw two figures coming their way that alarmed her.
Clad all in tactical gear colored black and deep red, they stalked down the boardwalk as if on a mission; and they were, Yael supposed. The Seraphim always were.
She tapped on Joni’s shoulder, nodding uneasily in the direction of the two figures. Joni snapped back to reality, eyes darting around with worry. They began to try and lead the group a different way, but it was too late.
The taller of the two Seraphim stopped the group by blocking Joni’s way; knew better than to try and ignore him. “Excuse me,” he said. “We apologize for bothering you, but we were sent out here to investigate some strange activity on the beach. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would-“
The officer paused as he noticed all the strange figures standing behind Joni and Yael. His eyes narrowed, and his grip on his weapon shifted. “Tell us what happened on the beach, and what these things are. Otherwise you will face arrest.”