34 / 39
Sep 2019

Honestly, I'm just influenced by the manga style that I like to read. There's just something about black and white that looks really cool and I wanna do it myself.

random page from my comics!
I decided to go with black and white because my lines really piss me off lol and now I feel like I've improved so much. plus there are things you can't hide with pretty colours so I guess it's a good way to improve anatomy and everything else. I have to draw the backgrounds manually too instead of 3d renders so it's some kind of accomplishment to me, being someone who sucks at it. haha

Also because I love manga and I love manually putting wood textures and all those things.

though sometimes, i feel hopeless because there are people who will probably pass up on my story simply for being black and white. T_T

My comics are all in black and white (no grays). I use black and white because I am aiming specifically for it to be manga-style and will be printing it one day. B&w will be much more cost effective to print.

I'm also not as good at coloring. lol

Sure will do :ok_hand:

Would you want people who don't like B/W to read the comic you so lovingly do on B/W?

Better go out there and find the ones who really enjoy the kind of content you're creating :heart:

It takes time and effort, but it's easier when you enjoy the path, right? :blush:

What do you mean? That the grays in your page are just faded black? :thinking:

Thanks for the topic ! I was really looking forward to read B&W comics, I will try to check yours. My comic (La toile des monstres) is Naruto fanfiction, so it seemed natural to go with B&W. But, if I were to draw another comic I will probably go with B&W again. See, I am more of a manga person, it's what I'm used to. There are manga pages that left me impressed and they're what made me want to draw. Recently I read a Haikyu chapter (Volleyball manga), it's just amazing how the mangaka is able to share the flow, the energy of a move with lines. Yes, B&W manga have this special feel you don't find with color. I think that color, if overdone, can distract you from the main subject.
I just started uploading my comic yesterday, so I will post the cover of my prologue.

And here's the link to it:

I honestly never figured out how to tone lol - I just do it because it's fast and because I enjoy lining waaaaay more than coloring/flatting. I only use 2 shades of grey too, which is probably something I'll change once I get used to my workflow

yeah! that's why i stopped frustrating myself so much about how I want to get lots of readers. Instead I focus on appreciating those who like it. like they said, you can't please everyone. what matters is that you're happy with what you're doing lol.

It's just simply because inking is my most developed drawing skill
here a page from chapter 2 (drawn in 2016)


I am a fan of manga, but I've also always been a big fan of inking in general. I liked Edward Gorey's work for Mystery! on PBS, and I really like Junji Ito's work on Tomie series. Not to mention artists like John Tenniel (the original published works of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.)

My inking is nowhere near as good, but I like the contrast of the black and white.I have been trying very hard to improve (all elements of the story, really XD)

I do open each act with a color page or two, and I end each act with a color page (or two.) Sometimes I throw a single color in for emphasis on a particular thing.


This isn't getting enough bump so everyone, POST AGAIN! It's about time Tapas pulls their head out of the gutter!

I won't cheat this time, LAST PAGE I WORKED ON BB

That would be spam! :joy:

Check on the series instead, guys, I already found some that are of my likeness and still I'm in about the middle of the list :grinning:

I really love this thread aaaaa I've found a few comics to follow, and of course there are a few of my favs already in here...
I personally like greyscale comics both because I enjoy the aesthetic and for the time invested.

I grew up reading manga like a lot of people here, and I think that the grey-tones vs color lends itself to creativity and imagining the colors while you read it, it feels closer to a novel than to a movie, to me? If color is used in a comic, I prefer when it's done for mood and more abstract than just denoting the local color of objects only.

When I color a comic, it takes almost as much time as all other steps combined (sketching, inking, etc) so it's just... a slogggg. I don't know if I could ever do it for a longform comic of my own. I used to work as a colorist for one of the runs on DC comics' online service before it went defunct, and I enjoy coloring when it's the only task I have to do and can focus on it. It really is its own beast and mindset to me, I can't do both when working on a long series.

That being said here's a page from the comic I do the art on:

15 days later

Originally, we wanted to go full-colour. However, with a lot of material in our hands, we decided, for the time being, to keep it in black and white. Also, because we'd need to do a full research as to which palettes to use and so on... but, eventually, we'll post a full-colour version.

Coz that's how I started and I don't wanna change halfway

4 years later

I love black and white, grayscale comics. Let's revive this thread, because I feel there are still a lot of hidden black and white treasures around tapas!
here is mine if you want to check out.
I prefer black and white for my comic, because it looks good and it's consistent with the vintage vibe of the story.