24 / 73
Jan 2023

Recommend swapping out the word "Kiss" in titles for "Grind", "Finger" or "Lick". Definitely no sexual connotations there! :rofl:

Better yet, just replace it with "Kill." That'd get everyone looking at your story!


Well somebody's got the right idea already!

Wow, what? Even more reason why I'm glad my comic isn't on the app, don't even want to indirectly associate with Apple, but that really sucks for all the poor romance authors on here. As little of a fan as I am of the genre, I can't like that it gets crapped on the most.

New titles to make creators safe, starting from the top search results!:

  • Lick Lick Fall in Love
  • Grind/Kill
  • Make Babies! ('Babies' wasn't on your list, but it fits, and I assume it's app safe.)
  • Ghostie Fingers
  • Grind Storm
  • Lick n Karess
  • I Fingered a Boy

Grind Storm sounds like a sick skateboarding video game actually.

It does! Wow!

Now I want to go play a Tony Hawk game.

I does amuse me that popular Tapas novel "Kiss it Better" has a title that isn't acceptable, but hypothetically somebody could make a novel or comic called "I Got Rimmed by Daddy Bear", "Dominance of the Huge Snake", "Screwed to Death", or "Finger-Licking Lesbians" and those titles would apparently be okay. :supicious_stache:

Well, now we know what the new community event should be. Come up with the filthiest title that still can't be banned. (Oh damn, "Come Up" is a pretty good one though...).

Uuuhhh I’m gonna need a bit more citation on that “it’s an app store thing” statement, considering you can download Radish on the Apple Store, which is a popular app-only erotica platform (and yes there’s queer stuff there too)… and Alpha/Omega is a predictably popular theme.

Only thing I can think of is you do set the age level your app is appropriate for, so perhaps if you want it to be lower than 17+, the restrictions are a lot more harsh. But considering it’s tied to parental controls, I’m… not surprised?

It was explained to me that apps like Radish get a pass since their content is paid for, so it's easier to gate who can access those titles. It's not as public as free user-generated-content.

Tapas is set as being a 13+ platform tho right so i figure its that coming into play again with app store rulings?

Radish is set up like tapas, except all creators have immediate control over their monetization options. So they can make it free, paid, or wait-for-free. I’m sure most opt for the $$$ option but it’s not paid by default.

ETA: granted I got this info from a Radish writer, so maybe that’s not true?

Well, time to boot up the old Kickstarter and get that indiie game going.

Also Grind/Kill sounds like the title of an edgy battle royale anime taking place in an MMO.

Actually, the app has always been 17+, but the issue is it's free to download. Kids under the age rating can still download it without any issue, so that's probably why Apple is so stingy.

Edit: Totally why I joined originally, and why they allowed M-rated comics like mine to begin with.

Lol getting some Kill La Kill meets MMO RPG vibes.

A Studio TRIGGER take on the "Trapped in an MMO" genre would be awesome, actually.

Huh, I wonder who’s fault is that. If only the App Store was run and moderated by people with the power to decide what content is available on the store and for whom.