31 / 38
Oct 2019

Not like I didn't mention that in my post or anything. :smiley:
You could do a spring cornucopia spread for a meal. I mean, stuff besides cranberries and pumpkins are in season right now!

Wait are you wanting to do 2 specials?!?

I do :sweat_smile: Ever heard of how hobbits celebrate their birthdays? Well, I kind of adopted the idea so I normally publish something on that date and this time around, I'm writing a special short story since it's a very special one :grin:
Unfortunately, then there'll only be 11 days left until Halloween which is another date I normally use for some special :no_mouth: The worst thing is I had to take a forced break last week and my stockpile is drained so I also have to do my daily chapters. Am I cursed this year or something? :cry_02:

Why yes we are. We have a spooky cannon thing in fact.

^_^ Look froward to it!

Yes. I usually draw my characters dressed up as other characters from random things that I think they match with :smiley:

Starting next week Uncle Vinnie is going to have Halloween themed strips until the end of October. One of the great benefits of a short form comic is that there is no plot to interrupt. XD

I should... Halloween marks my year on Tapas! :jack_o_lantern:

The comic I'm working on since August will be Halloween-themed. Though, I guess it's ruining the surprise that it's going to be an on-going one-shot with weekly updates and only the cover and maybe some character arts will be posted on Halloween.

The Power of Stardust might have a sketch of a character dressed up for Halloween. Ghost Guide is pretty much a year-round Halloween special in and of itself.

Hmmm perhaps you should make something opposite so it's Halloween special isn't Halloween based with pumpkins and ghosts? Like, make it be ghosts have dyed eggs hahahaha random easter idea but the designs are all halloween-y but in florescents!

I am making both an thanksgiving special and a halloween one

Since the story hasn't reached prologue yet,only Halloween things will be the villains from the backstory parts.

they will be dressed up in the flashbacks,because they have to be in style while doing evil things.

I want to do a Halloween special, and have ideas for most of my characters, but I'm stuck on what my main characters go as lol

My main comic, Narwhal's Song, is on hiatus, but I decided to make a short spin-off chapter for halloween just for fun... it doesn't affect the main plot at all so it can be read as a stand-alone chapter, and is set a few years after Narwhal's Song just because I wanted to draw my character a little older. I decided to make it just to try making something suspense-ish but I don't think it turned out very spooky ahahahah... :cry_01:

(there's some text in Portuguese in the first pages but it shouldn't rly affect the understanding of the story, the rest of it is text-less)

You know, I just got reminded, I probably will!