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Jun 2022

Hi i'm keisuko! Im still looking for a writer of a romance to make their story into a manhwa! currently I want to draw your thumbnail to help me get myself out there! Whether you be a comic creator, a collaborator, or a novel writer, feel free to reply to this or DM me at Keisuko#3718 or email me at jinjuwu1208@gmail.com
Examples(newest style to oldest):

  • created

    May '22
  • last reply

    Jul '22
  • 6


  • 1.0k


  • 6


  • 4


  • 7


Your art style is cute , Maybe you could redraw my thumbnail to match the new cover, hey sense your looking for a romance writer , Maybe I could be your writer \0_0/ I got a romance story idea that could work as a comic

Hello, there!!
Your artstyle is pretty amazing and cute. I actually love it​:heart_eyes:. I have emailed you my a sample of the cover I have drawn myself from writerlovely75@gmail.com
If you have some time, you can have a look on it. Also I have a romantic story in my mind, if you are interested please let me know. I would like you give you a sample of my script.
Note: it's an LGBT+ novel..

Your art is really beautiful, I'll bookmark this page, maybe later if you're still open I can submit one :smiley:

1 month later

closed Jul 2, '22

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