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Feb 2021

Hello everyone!

So I've recently been thinking of kicking around a revival of sorts for an old comic of mine known as "Pup Culture." At least a test run revival for it to gauge interest in it,anyways.

I was thinking of reviving it as a sort of "Artist Showcase" of sorts where I'd have other artists occasionally contribute with their own pup pun drawings of Charlie as well (credited properly of course) alongside my own art pieces as well.

i was planning on doing a run of at least 10 art pieces, maybe 20 depending on how many artists are interested in contributing. But don't worry, I'd also be doing a few new ones as well.

Would anyone be interested in contributing let along reading such a revival of this series? Please let me know if you are.

(Please PM me if you're interested in contributing an art piece and I'll send you a list of puns to make cartoons from I have if you are.)

Here's an example of a general "Pup Culture" cartoon, by the way. (I'd handle the captions and numbering, by the way.)

Thank you! :slight_smile:

  • created

    Jan '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 9


  • 448


  • 5


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Cool, sounds good. I'll see if anyone else would be interested to contribute and I'll contact you then if that sounds good. :slight_smile:

Cool, Sounds good. I'll keep you posted on how things develop then. :slight_smile:

Neat. I'll keep you posted regarding this as well. :slight_smile:

Sounds good. I'll let you know then if I decided to fully go through with this project. :slight_smile:

1 month later

closed Mar 3, '21

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