^^^ these. But I wouldnt say their art is "crappy", heres the thing, the wobbly look of thse comics is a part of their humor, the style they're drawn in helps influence the tone of the story.
One thing about all of these examples is that they're at least partially comedic, but dont think that if you're working with a wobbly style that you have to make something funny. There are plenty of journal comics where the crude style helps to give a sense of the creators feeeelings, and I think you could mimic that effect in a Drama or Horror story.
As an example take a look at Phantasmagoria or cOuGh my minicomic DUST CoUGgh.
Not saying that either of these have Crappy art, but they're a far-cry away from Fisheye Placebo.
Phatasmagoria's sketchy linework puts the reader in the head of the anxious protagonist.
Dust's rough loose brushwork was used to represent the dry atmosphere.
Fisheye Placebo's smooth digital painting draws attention to the technology used to create it, and helps give everything a sleek futuristic feel.
All of that said: Dont let a loose style become an excuse to be lazy. People can tell if you're being lazy, and if you're lazy with the artwork people will think you may have been lazy with the writing. Also - try and keep things clear as possible so that the reader doesnt get confused, I feel like I could have done better with this on some of the pages in my comic.
God I gotta stop it with these long posts...
EDIT: Cleaned up some wording and made things a bit more consice.