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Jul 2022

So, this question is for writer/artists and novelists. If you could go back and rewrite your story in any way- whether that’s restructuring the plot, adding or subtracting certain characters or arcs, would you? Thinking back on my own comic, I worry I could’ve wrote it with a much stronger and more impactful structure that would’ve endeared people to my characters faster. I’m on page 16 and just revealed the heroes main sidekick, and am about to go explicitly into the main backstory which sets up the plot. I think if I was to sit and outline the whole story in more detail, I may’ve changed this. What about you?

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    Jul '22
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    Aug '22
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Rewriting my comic is something I've been thinking alot about lately. I'm not ready to confirm to myself, or anyone else that it's something I'm gonna do, and if I do, I'm probably gonna wait at least a year after finishing up this first version, but It is looking more and more likely.

It'd have much improved illustrations, and formatting, be better paced as it would have a lot more episodes to spread out what we learn about a character, have more backstory and modern info about the country which the character's live in, and a LOT more episodes, many which would add nothing, and just have something either funny, or horrifying to tell. Also, holiday speicals.

Doing this exact thing as we speak. My comics was originally an Amazon direct comic but didn't get enough traction. Publishing to Amazon is literally a needle in a haystack. So I'm redoing the story as a webcomic and publishing o Tapas and Webtoons. The changes are it's now color and some of the story elements I have streamlined as its a weekly wecomic, not a monthly 23 page comic. So some of the scenes are expanded to fit one episode and others are cut down to fit. And also adapting to the scroll down nature of the format. Only thing I don't like about the format is the lack of detail in 800 px across but it is what it is.

I'm planning on doing the same thing with my first series. I kind of just rushed it without any real plot or story structure. Plus having it be a traditional comic with 40 pages to be published month after month would be a little bit time consuming. So, I'll have it be a daily series.

I used to want to constantly rework things, but that’s finally faded. People dread their skill plateau, but I love going back to something I wrote a year ago and not wanting to burn it.

Welp, that's just what I'm doing with my series right now. I've re-written chapters 1-12 and added lots of new content, slowed down the pacing, expanded on the world-building and explained things better overall. I wasn't satisfied at all with the start of my series, since I found it lackluster, but my biggest mistake was adapting 1:1 the script which I had written in 2017/2019. I wasn't that experienced of a writer at the time, and I ended up rushing many things in order to get to the "good stuff" quicker.
Another mistake I used to make was telling instead of showing. I currently feel quite satisfied with the new beginning of my comic and I can't wait to actually keep storyboarding it! After writing 100+ chapters I gained more experience and changed my narrative approach in a significant way.

I already have! Mostly did some strengthening and reshuffling of plot elements on top of improving the art a lot. A lot of creators fear the idea of going back and reworking their comic(the dreaded "Redo Loop" comes to mind), but I can promise you, if you plan things out and have a concrete goal in mind, the reworking is definitely worth it!

I rewrote a story I had worked on three times because I was sensitive to criticism. Part of the writing process is to go your own way and find your own style. I found mine and I'm quite happy with it. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, 100% :sweat_02: At least some of the beginning, anyway.
I didn't have a script when I started, I thought that my comic was going to be something I made between other work. It was originally going to be much less structured... So I didn't bother with trying to make it for anyone beside myself to understand.
Basically, you can tell it's old, LOL. I plan to finish "Autumn" before redoing anything major, though. That way I can tell what actually can be salvaged to serve the end product.

I admire your ambition. I don’t know how much my style would change, per say, but I did learn a lot from my first go around. How far did you get in your story? Is it done? And @BoomerZ I am also a huge hater of the scroll format. It hurts my brain, lol, nothing against people who do like making comics or reading them that way. I say publish in whatever format suits you and your story. I’ve stuck with the full page format, which hasn’t hurt my story. @jmhenry I was in the redo loop with another story, for literal years. But I will say that when I did finally finish its few months ago, it was my best and most cohesive story. That is why I’ve been thinking of going back to rewrite the entire Fields series first. I was sort of trying to see which method was better— a very vague, rough outline, or a full outline like I did for my other comic. It seems like in terms of story the full outline was the way to go. I’m sixteen pages into my webcomic and almost at one hundred subs, so I’m nervous about what would happen if I removed it. I may take it down from when issue one is done, then go back and write/draw it all, then post it on webtoons. Not sure if I should do that here or not?

It is NOT done, but it's getting pretty close. This has changed a few time, but I'm currently estimating it will be 12 - 13 episodes, and the latest to release was episode 8. Arguably, episode 9 to 10 will be the beginning of the end, as it gets into the final leg of the story. And episode 9 I've actually just started illustrating a few days ago.

A big reason I wanna finish up this first version before deciding that yes, I will do a remake, is because I've already decided that if I do make a remake of Donnie The Fighting Psychopath, it will be THE remake of Donnie The Fighting Psychopath, as I don't wanna get stuck in a pattern constantly canceling and renewing the series. So when I finsish up this first version, I can go back to see ask for reviews of the WHOLE over all story, or just the most critical parts of it, so that next time I can create a more perfect version.

Currently doing that right now. For me the opening to a long fantasy epic story is very important, and I want to get it just right to hook readers . I realized that my opening arc, which is currently at 88 pages is meandering, even for me to read. There are atory beats and characters that can be merged and written out for a more snappy story.

My art also has gotten a lot better so I hope it’s worth it.

i had a rough story so im modifying it as i go ,but i have thought of a more kid freindly version in case it became a tv show go from pg 13 to a tv y7 maybe,

The upside to drawing at a snail's pace, for me, was I got to basically rewrite before I got around to drawing XD My comic used to have a lot more 'gag strips' at the beginning, but when I actually got around to drawing them, I was like 'I'm bored, I don't want to draw this, also I wanna introduce my secondary characters already' XD So I cut out a lot, and decided to just show enough so the reader gets the feeling that my MC is established in his new life as a homebum by the time he meets the new characters :]

So no, I wouldn't rewrite what little of my story I've finished drawing, but that's because I've essentially already done the rewriting XD (And of course, I'm still occasionally rewriting the parts of the story I haven't drawn :D)

Yup. If I ever have a chance, I really want to rewrite two of my series: The Revenge Proposal and Rose Noble.

The Revenge Proposal was my first ever attempt at writing a full novel (before then, it was mainly fanfic/ one-shots). I wish I had made an outline or something similar when I was writing this series because I went off in a completely different direction than I anticipated. I still hate the rushed ending that I wrote, but oh well... :sob:

For Rose Noble, I rewrote it three times and I ended up giving up on it T^T I still love the plot of the story; however, I need to do more research on time travel because I realize I'm not knowledgeable/ smart enough to explain how one is able to time travel... .-. Help...

The main reason I haven't attempted in rewriting these stories is because I'm scared that I'll end up making them worse ;^; I'm just going to stick to what I have until I feel ready. xD

Right now I am drawing chapter 4 of my comic at the same time that I redraw chapter 1, I do it because I am not very satisfied with the result and I want to improve it a little

I want to do this all the time!
I keep getting ideas after the fact that are like, "this is so much better! I wish I'd done that!"

Then again, we're all constantly improving as writers, so I suppose we're always coming up with new and better ideas.
If we started again every time we thought of something better, nothing would get done.

And I'm saying this as someone who spent years making his comic because I did just that.

I totally get where everyone's coming from. Hub JETIRKO is an 8 year old concept that has finally gone somewhere in terms of plotline.
I relayed this briefly on another forum thread, so I won't go into too much detail here. But I reworked the entire plot a couple months ago and things that didn't work together finally did. Sometimes it's what you gotta do.

Good luck to everyone here. It's a big task, but man is it worth it sometimes!

Probably to some extent.
I'm really happy with the vibe of the first half of my story, but after that I felt like the plot strayed a little too far from the core ideas behind everything. I don't really see how I can change it satisfactorily at the moment, and I probably won't seeing as it's already half completed.
I guess if I were to rewrite the second half, I would try to stick to one location. Changing it hurt the pacing a little, in my opinion.

For my comic Crow's Worth, I sort of wish I could rewrite the first chapter and parts of the 3rd chapter.

Mostly because they sort of set up the wrong tone for the series. There are some weird 4th wall breaks that I don't really like looking back. I don't want to delete or replace the old pages because I think people should be allowed to read them if they wanted to. But if I was in a situation where I was asked to adapt the series into a show/movie/game/etc. I would probably ask to have those parts removed.