4 / 43
Aug 2021

Death stands before your protagonist, a gigantic wraith wrapped in a shroud brighter than the sun. In his sunken eyes a blaze raged on along with the memory of a thousand souls passed on. A hand raised to point straight at your protagonist's heart and another gripping the universe, he asked in a low, raspy voice...

"Will you...

  • Sacrifice your most beloved for the world?"
  • Sacrifice the world for your most beloved?"


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  • created

    Aug '21
  • last reply

    Aug '21
  • 42


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  • 3


man. its always with the moral choices innit?

Well, who gets to pick is up to you as well as the author no?

The hell with the world.
I killed it already on Life is Strange, and I would do it again.

Lmaoo I live for this comment

Anyways maybe i should've rephrased it better "sacrifice one for a thousand or a thousand for one"

I dunno, if a character lives in a advanced scifi world where terraforming is already present, then I can see that happening

Of course, in other cases it wouldn't :sweat_smile:

Im no scientist but a genuine question here, what would happen to the moon if the earth vanished? Where will it orbit to?

I reckon it would most likely still orbit around the sun but it could crash into another planet or the asteroid belt if it is unlucky.

Vernon would die trying to save both... It's just how he is xD

He would answer the same as many times as asked.
An answer that sacrifices anything is not a choice at all, there is no point in sitting back and wasting time making a choice that doesn't exist... Best to look for a better path.

Wasn't expecting something so grim lmao,

But yeah, Era's most admirable (but also can be seen as negative) trait, is her upmost love of those close to her and doing whatever it takes to protect them so yeah, the world's going under for sure.