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Sep 2024

@SumireHime yeah. this sounds a lot like my struggle. I'm african American and Hispanic like your character, and I embrace and love my culture but also wish it didn't have to have an effect on the way that i'm treated

11 days later

Just more about Kattar, because I love him for obvious reasons:

For as long as I can remember Kattar has been popular with ‘the ladies,’ like some sort of Mex-asian teen pop idol, if that was even possible in the early 2010s. He looked like he should have been part of a Disney Channel Original - dark dark eyes, slanted in sharp-edged half moons, and a complexion the color of peanut butter candy. His mom used to say he was “Adonis, take two,” and I was Venus. I’m not sure she knew they had a twisted love affair.

16 days later

Essence's little sister Elizabeth is half white. Her complexion is much much fairer than Essence's for this reason and her hair is light, goldenish brown. She also has green eyes, so while she definitely wouldn't be confused for white because of her features, it's very apparent to everyone that she has a white father, and she was bullied for this (not by Essence) as a kid.

23 days later

I know I shouldn’t say anything and I do anyway.

“I didn’t know you didn’t speak Korean.”

He turns and looks at me over his shoulder, not angrily, just blankly, with a sort of shrug.

“Why should I? My mother is Mexican.”

I mean duh.

He knows that I know that, but he insists on beating around the bush.

And that means one of us just has to say what we’re thinking.

Not it.

I find another way to skirt the real question.

“What did you do while you were in Korea for the music video shoot?”

“I used a translator like any other foreigner, ” He doesn’t even look at me, still staring at the glass-

I feel pin-pricked-

A thousand pin pricks-

But these roses…

Are immaculately, angelically, infallibly white.

“It’s not a foreign culture when it’s your father’s...”

He just shakes his head, “Tell that to my mom.”

I want to say something but for once my mouth knows better than to let me.

When I don’t reply Kat keeps talking, maybe for my benefit maybe - because he’s been waiting to get this off his chest - the words pour out like a monologue he’s been rehearsing for years-

“She never once told me I was biracial when I was a kid.”


“When I was in grade school and the other Hispanic kids would tease me for my ‘Asian eyes’ she would tell me that her grandmother had eyes just like mine."

23 days later

Hi! This is my story WolfTrain to Heaven.

I'm a multiracial artist, very proud of my roots.
African American, American Indian, Gaelic, European, etc and it definitely inspires the ancestral backstories of my characters. BlueMoon is part Black, White/Latina-Cherokee/Seminole+ and she looks white and gets annoyed when people assume things about her, whether it be personality or the concept of 'race' or some notion about how she should be as a person without even knowing her, annoyed; As anyone who is judged by a skindeep ideology rather than the content of their character.

Technically, her race is just Werewolf/Human as all humans are the human race.


yeah, i'm multi-ethnic too, being Dominican and African American, i think it's a big factor in why i have so many mixed-ethnicity characters

16 days later
18 days later

what south asian culture?

Kayla - Afro Latine

Kayla is cautious and wary, unsure of who to trust in this hostile environment. As she follows Zarek, a mysterious and seemingly helpful stranger, through the dilapidated structures of the Blazing Planes, Kayla grapples with her own fears and uncertainties.

But in the end Zarek is the only one Kayla can trust.

Check out the episode Kayla's Hades :: Ally III :confetti_ball:

20 days later

Rudy Carmichael. Arab, Irish,and Venezuelan.

She’s a very tall, very thin, almost boyish, almost dirty-looking chick- younger than me - maybe Andrew’s age - with shortish curly hair sticking out on either side of her head in a disorganized, almost afro-ish tumbleweed of a triangular bob that doesn’t even reach to her jaw.

17 days later