45 / 47
Oct 2024

Yeah...He is small for his age. Then the Tall Clyborne genes kick in when he gets older and he starts playing basketball.

do you go that far through the time line in the story?

So Clyborne and Amrit are both his biological parents?

Well, I plan to. I want time to pass in the series, like with BF.

And yes, Cly and Amrit are both his parents! Cly had the baby. Sorry, art is old, and he doesn't have that hair anymore in flashbacks.

Isn't Amrit tall too though? I think it's both parents' genes I mean, not 7 feet tall but still pretty mad tall though

They are...Rin is a late bloomer. He grows to be Cly's height which poses some problems lol.

will never find pants again. lol. but fortunately he can wear shorts in basketball.

yeah no. My tallest characters have a customized house. tbf. they are literally a giant and a dryad

15 days later

Cocoa and Honey from "A Dozen Morning Glories" have both probably been to a lot of sleepovers. Both of their friends have tried to curl their hair for them with curlers but it never worked. The sleepovers they attended were a lot of girl talk, painting nails and snacking. no games, rarely movies. Cocoa is the type to get very very scared by scary stories, so her friends learned they probably shouldn't tell them around her lol. Honey gossips a little too much (read: at all) never with the intention to hurt people she cares about, but still. She's always talking about what guy they know's girlfriend got MAD because he wanted to hang out with a group of friends and one of his friends was a girl. She has all the crazy girlfriend stories, and is always the one being like "honestly, she was crazy from the start though. I think he dodged a bullet." And everyone agrees with her because she says things with such confidence :nail_care:

25 days later

Ayla is only 5, and she for sure could not have a sleepover at Dorine's house. so Essence would probably end up letting Ayla have one at her apartment. Ayla would do her best to be a good hostess and make everyone feel welcome, but she'd constantly run to Essence for help when there was something she was worried about, like how to move the coffee table so all the girls could spread out their sleeping bags on the living room floor. Shaun would probably end up helping before the night was over, bringing some snacks kids would actually like, suggesting some games the girls could play, and helping them paint their nails, because Essence has zero idea how to run a sleepover. shes never been to one, and she's only glimpsed the ones her little sister sometimes hosted.

20 days later

Texas and Chili are besties who live together, so most nights when both of them aren't busy are kind of like sleepovers. They'll wrap themselves in blankets and watch TV, eat snacks, play board games. Tease and flirt with each other (though most of that is on Chili's side honestly.) constantly. They genuinely just live the chaotic friend-duo dream lol. Though they stay up too late and don't get nearly enough sleep

21 days later

The only slumber parties Mora from "Crystal Blue" has ever attended were at the house of one of her Grandmother's friends when she was very small. They would watch movies in the cabin and eat cookies and tell stories, but one of her friend's older sisters, who was sort of like a second mother to the kids, told them stories, sort of to scare them. While her intention WAS to scare them, it was to warn them away from trusting strangers just because they seem nice or friendly. It was her phant-retelling of "Little Red Riding Hood."

Miyuki would be obsessing about her nightgown, which would be a vintage piece from the 1920's. Kazuya would be in the kitchen baking for everyone. Nikki would be talking and talking and talking, going on about something that makes everyone nod in agreement because he's an excellent storyteller. Hanako would be fitting the mom role, setting out snacks for everyone, and his wife Chidori would be assisting. Gyeong-Wan would come into the room, bang his foot violently on the door due to his clumsiness, and then lean against the wall as an embarrassed mess. This would cause his boyfriend Kazuya to come running. The baked goods in the oven would burn. Nikki would ask how in the world he missed that there was a doorway. Miyuki would sigh and roll her eyes and smile and ask why it happened again and where's the Band-Aids. Hanako would go find them, while Chidori actually helped Gyeong-Wan and assessed the wound as everyone looked on in concern.

Gyeong-Wan would bang his foot hard enough to injure himself? Yikes

20 days later

Christopher George is very quiet at slumber parties. He brings his own mobile console and plays it rather than participating in the discussion while his friends debate what group game they should all play. Somebody probably drops out of the argument, sees him playing the console, and asks to borrow it. now two people are no longer participating in the conversation and the host starts to get annoyed

20 days later

Mandy from "Crystal Blue" would talk through the movie about all the celebrity gossip facts she'd learned about the actors in the film

2 months later