15 / 33
Oct 2020

My MC has changed a bit. :sweat_smile:

2007 (Rocking the headband & flip-flops). Haha! :joy: The ankle feathers were cute though. :kissing_heart:

Early attempt at my comic. :sweat_smile:

And these days...

I think the only consistent thing is how miserable Gen is, and I still can't draw beards! Haha! :joy:

Only kidding. I have learn't so much and my backgrounds are getting much better. :grin::+1:

I've shared this old comic page a good handful of times, but here's something from a comic I tried making in middle school, and pages from last week of my current comic! I will pretend not to see the blatant ripping off of Kingdom Hearts just like younger me genuinely expected people not to notice.

1996 I was pretty much still scribbling on notebook paper between doing a few short page sequentials on bristol(I didnt scan those in to the computer yet)...

Started working on my first title in 2001- didnt have a powerful enough computer to do color, so I made the books in black & white, and pasted the lettering; the original dialogue was a little raw; I cleaned it up in the remaster when I added color...

Then started working on my webcomic; you can see I changed up my initial drawing style- I'm still trying to evolve or get my coloring better.

Feels more professional then the first one. Idk if you switched to digital or if its better scans!

My comic is called "The Remarkable Rabbit Boy"

This is the very first page I ever drew for Rabbit Boy, way back in 2013


Some panels from my latest episode:

Thanks, i actually evolved my art a bit, got better scans and better dialogue quality.
My art is traditional but my paneling is digital

Oh jesus lol Now we're going way back. Alright so I didn't do the coloring for this one, just the sketch. A friend in high school who was much better than me at the time did that. So keep that in mind. Circa 2005 ish

Here's what my sketches looked like at this time

This was the last time I used this character in a comic. His name here was Jasper and the name of the comic was 3 Wishes. around 2013

This is my stuff this year for Runner :slight_smile:

I haven't posted in here for a while, but I love seeing everyone's progress, so decided to share some of mine!

The first panel is from my first attempt at making webcomics here on Tapas (My comic Crass) and the second is my current ongoing series on Webtoons "Move Me" which I'm hoping to start uploading on here soon! I haven't done much comics between those two years though, I had mostly given up until I picked it back this year.