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Apr 2021

If you had to pick one character from your cast to be a cape wearing, plans for world domination-making, evil laugh having villain.. who would it be?

they don't have to be evil in canon. think of it more as an AU :smiley:

and while you're here~

I'm working on a new strip, where a cameo of a mustache twirling villain would fit right in, if someone is into cross promotion? :eyes:

the scientist is like "and with this masterpiece of engineers craft, you will be one step closer towards debatable world domination."
Villain: "muahaha perfect. when will it be ready?"
scientist: "in a month"
villain: "you have three days" >:D.

...not gonna spoil the punchline completely so I'll cut it off here uwu

hmu if interested

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
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If anyone would be from my thing, would be this lady.
She has the determination, the attitude, the machiavellian mind, the power to do so!
But, of course, there is a thing called laws that stops her from doing so.

Gosh darn those laws.

But yea she would make a good villain! Tho she also looks super competent, so I'm glad there are laws and stuff :eyes:

Pretty cool. I have quite the mustache twirling character in my horror comic, The Ghoul, but I think he'd look goofy in a room with a dude half his height 🤣

My main villain is definitly of the mustache-twirling variety- but he'd hate the getup and get all snobby and pretentious about it.

However, one of my heroes would have WAY more fun wearing the cape and top hat (and giving into his darker tendencies). Taylor Reindeer is one of the funnier/darker characters in Monkey Bunny, and it's going to be a blast following him as he travels down a darker path with a smile on his face the whole time.