34 / 34
Aug 2020

Well my native language is Italian and I usually write everything in it, then I translate it to English.



I would say that not much changed from the original to the translation, except for the swallowing sound effect. The rest is just a direct translation of the text. Sometimes the English version loses the actual thing I was originally going for in the Italian version, but it still somehow works.
Other times, the English version comes out far better than the original one and I'm happy about it.

Overall, I just try to stick with the original source material, but in some occasions a different sentence can convey my idea even better!

NGL that Italian part gives me JoJo part 5 vibe.

It can't be helped when things lost in translation, I also have difficulty translating things back to my language.

Welp, Jojo's the main source of inspiration for the whole series! Happy you noticed :grin:

My original comics are in Brazilian Portuguese: https://abismos.com/pt-br/

I make an effort to reduce the text as much as possible, so it's not too hard to translate. Fun fact, I decide not to translate the chapter titles, to keep some reference to the original language that doesn't get in the way of understanding the comics.

My comic is in English, but I'm translating it in Latvian right now.
When I translate to Latvian I have to change many things. Sayings like ''I'm just pulling your leg'' don't really make sense in Latvian.

Most of the text is different.

I changed ''Im just pulling your leg'' to ''Es tikai jokojos'' -''I'm just joking''

I've started makig series in English and never had a script or version in russian, idk most of ppl do know English and comics is a media which should not rely on text that much, I'm really trying that "show, don't tell" thing. I just needed to translate in on the fly to my Mom tho ( well the first few epsiodes)))

There's a lot of international memes about how English swears are considered too mild to be even registered, and I do agree with the sentiment. Maybe it's being exposed to it at a young age or having lots of international friends that also have English as a second language desensitized us to it? Still, I can say certain insults and expletives freely in english, but in portuguese it's extra care because they feel like they have a lot of extra weight.

For example - I only had Audrey put it that way because she's supposed to be tired and upset in that scene. There are later scenes with some swearing that are way toned down in portuguese, because the character is just annoyed, but they sound extremely pissed if translated back.

I'm not surprised I'm the first speaker you've encountered, i dont think there are any other Nigerians on this website
And i dont think I'm a fan of any specific detergent except from Tite Kubo's Bleach, thats the only detergent I'll ever consume XD

Many times, there are words in English that cannot be translated to another language and vice-versa. Translating felt like writing again. One difficulty is that some honorifics in my native language and the words of politeness just don't translate well to English.

I don't have anything to show because English is my native language, but just wanted to say this thread is seriously awesome, and also I'm so impressed by people who can make works in their second language, it must be hard work! (Please never make me translate my comic into Japanese. I'd just be imagining Amano-sensei glaring at my bad grammar :cry_02:).

Let me know if you ever need to run English queries past a native speaker. I understand my language is...the worst language. :sweat_02:

Hey, we have a word for throwing someone out a window. That's gotta bump us up a few spaces.

Heel tof initiatief, ik denk dat ik de enige Nederlandstalige hier ben? Of toch tot hier toe...

The original is written directly in English



Met ogen die vuurspuwen, keek ze naar het papier in haar hand. Rajini propte het papier tot een kleine bal met de palmen van haar handen, die pijn deden van de kracht die ze daarbij gebruikte. Haar knokkels wit terwijl ze het papier in haar hand klemde.



Feeling the lightweight of the single sheet in her hand, she glared down at it with eyes that were spitting fire. Rajini crammed the letter into a tight ball in the palm of her hands, using so much force that it hurt the muscles in her fingers. Her knuckles white as she clenched the paper in her fist.

Hate the Dutch, a lot gets lost due the language and I make massive grammar errors in it

I think all of this perception (mild/strong) is very different from where you are. When in US/Canada, some environments are very sensitive to swears in English (watch out). You might get that perception because mass media throws this language around too easily, and in Brazil there is much less of that (ex. TV).

I'm a native English speaker, but I do speak intermediate-ish German and Norwegian. I'm pretty shy about both, as my grammar's awful and people tend to assume I understand a lot more than I do (and then I inevitably embarrass myself). I've never actually tried to translate my writing into either -- maybe I should, as an experiment? But again, the grammar... especially the adjective/pronoun endings in German... it may not end well, lol.

I have so much respect for all of you who come to English as a second or third language and manage to write in it. It isn't an easy language!

All in English,

I try to keep an eye on those for sure, especially when the urge comes to use a more localized swear like "bloody", because I don't have any of the cultural context. Still, it's funny how a word can have literally the same definition in all places but the "strength" of the expletive changes so much, or sometimes if the word is shortened or not.