Hello, my name is Ash but the internet calls me Benzy. I'm an artist and I write and illustrate the web comic Discount Religion. Feel free to check it out, and even tell me what you think, I'm new to comics and am always looking for feedback!
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- Sep 18, '13
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- Jan 21, '19
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- Mar 28, '19
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It's always Amazing to see how people grow and improve as artists. Most of us don't even really realize it till we look back and see how far we have come. It's inspirational to say the least. I don't have any comic art from 2009 but I did this page back in 2013 [image] And this one features the …
The cover for Discount Religion [image]
Just rebooted Discount Religion! Should be an update almost every monday now if all goes well. [image]
I really enjoy the style and how clean the black grey and white is with this comic. However the walls of text is a bit hard to look past and something that easily dissuades people from reading. I know I myself have had problems with putting too much text on a page and it's a difficult thing to work …
Latest page of Discount Religion [image]
Latest page of Discount Religion [image]
BUH, I'm sorry it took so long for you to read. I'll have to see about maybe optimizing the pages a bit. The inking is me experimenting with lines. determining whether thick or thin looks better, I've asked people and it seems to come down to personal preference. But I think I like the thinner bette…
Thank you, I really appreciate the compliments about the characters, and that was definitely the kinda vibe I was going for! I can definitely see that distancing problem arising, given the sporadic nature of the updates it's kinda hard to follow a story when it only updates a couple times a month if…
I have been working on my comic for a long while now and I think it's about time I got some feedback. I really want to strive to make my comic better. The art in the beginning is a little rocky and I know the pacing is iffy here and there but I just want to know what people think and get a good idea…
Gosh there are SOOO many good good Comics out there. I can't list all of my favorites, but here are a few! No-End is a fantastic post apocalyptic Zombie adventure with an LGBTA cast and amazing art and storytelling. Serpents of old Has a rich story, and a bright and vibrant world and not near en…
Making Comics actually does wonders for helping you become a better artist. I've seen a vast improvement in a relatively short amount of time. [image] Newer page [image] Older page [image] Vick now [image] Vick in 2011
Aww. Thank you so much. His teeth are definitely interesting .
I have to say the art is very good and the story seems original and fun. It's still a little early to do any kind of review of the story, pacing and plotline so I will keep my comments about the art. I've already said the art is good, very good, so my critiques will definitely be splitting hairs. …
This is an OLDIE but here is a lining speedpaint of my comic.
I've never gotten a bad comment, not yet anyway. But I do get..'unusual' comments. There is a lot of thirst for one of my characters and people are not shy about it. Which I try to see as flattering of course! But sometimes it can be creepy when the comments are particularly descriptive.
I really love the linework and the use of tones in this, and those motion lines are fantastic. I always struggle with them. My one critique would be to tone or color the eyelashes in the top panel just a little off white, I didn't recognize them as eyelashes at first and thought the eyelid was just …
Still roughing out the next page of Discount Religion. [image]
I'm 26 In Discount Religion The ages for some of the characters are a little tricky, but going by physical age Angie and Birdget are 16, Christopher is 19 and Vicktor is 38.
Love the style and coloring. It reminds me a lot of 90's cartoons and really makes me feel nostalgic. Your use of bright color is great and I love the backgrounds and gradients. Here is my latest page for Discount religion. School man...so lame.. [image]
New page for Discount Religion [image]
I myself think this is also an important issue. When you look at comics that actually have female characters generally they are sexualized to a fault. I don't much mind it, but there is hardly any mainstream sexualization of male characters, most of what we see are power fantasies. I think drawing…
I use Clip Studio, but I could probably apply some Photoshop stuff to it. I would be THRILLED to see your layers and process though, so if you are willing I'd love to connect and talk about comics and art and such. Or you can make a comic thread, I'm sure a lot of people would like to see that kinda…
@Riko I LOVE the coloring and over all look of your comic. Honestly it's what I'm trying to strive for in my own but failing at. And that food! The flow is really nice too, I'll have to subscribe and find out more. This is the latest page for Discount Religion. I'm experimenting with the line an…
Latest page for Discount religion [image]
I'd love a review of Discount Religion if you could! [image]
First let me say that your buildings are fantastic. I'm so jelly of how well they are done. The perspective and everything is excellent. The characters also look interesting, I like the effect of the last panel too. Here is the Latest page for Discount Religion. [image]
The latest page of Discount Religion [image]
My art style is a mix of american comic book and anime I guess. I took a lot of inspiration from artists on DA when I was younger and eventually branched off an developed my own 'look' Still developing though, but as I get further and further along I think my art grows a little more close to realism…
Gaaaaaaad ya art is so beautiful. Love it love it love it.