Mexico tumblr.com/blog/bitecomics
I'm a graphic designer student, (I'm learning english too...by my own).
Constructive criticism It's very appreciated and I like to chat, but I'm shy.
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- Jun 27, '17
- Last Post
- May 11, '19
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- Sep 15, '19
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I like Burzum, I'm drawing my raccoons and listening to this song |ω・`)
No, no if you want to join again just for your comics because DA is the house of the fanart, beside the groups I don't think the site works to promote webcomics... unless your comics were about canines with mystical powers, fetish or Pokemon/FNAF/MLP FIM just check the home page, the're the same pop…
I'm 24 and people still ask me for the ID but on the other hand being older than 18 don't make me sad
BL, yaoi, or any romance story, Tapas is full of romance .-. I don't know about the popular genres in another webcomic sites but here definitely romance, I don't know if that's good or bad for people who wants to share other stories (the site has pretty good comics about many genres and is kinda sa…
I recommend you chibi for animals :3 and shoujo could be better than chibi if your characters are humans, I think here on Tapas a stylized artstyle works for this one, but it depends too about story, it would be randomness? or a structured story? it depends
I mostly look at tutorials of "skillful" people because I think if I see the ones who talk about things I "can" do I'm not putting me on new challenges, but it's nice to see works of people with the same level I have to catch things probably I missed or about people with a maybe low skills at drawi…
I use it to leave a question, a experience I've having working on the chapter, etc, and yes on the app that space stills on the bottom
Tumblr can be a weird site but it works if you need inspiration, although I hate the search mode, it's 70% 18+ content or weird trash... I just opt to "like" linked pages of the ones I actually follow Mine
The story of the name of my series hasn't too original, I'm bad at naming things... Bite because the main characters are 90% raccoons, and as I know, they bite, and they're basically bytes because they're digital raccoons
In the past, ideas for my comics... one of my comics (not published yet) was born on shower xD
I was asking me same xD maybe the poll needs a image
Comments, I'm not too communicative, but it's nice to see them because this encourages me to continue with the things who passionate me C:
This is one of my Bite comics character, "Latte" the raccoon, I use it because I think this identificate me as the creator, I don't know, I love my characters °-° [image]
(10) I'm on easy mode D;, damn, I need to appreciate it
I love to read, novels, comics, any book is ok, if the story gets my attention... and if not, a mix of everything depending the mood, (hang out with people, think for hours, doodles, music, video games, anime) see tv it's the less thing in the list I do
I suppose don't matter if you're off for months if your works it's interesting :0
I don't think it sounds like something perv or weird, sounds for my as an story about 3 type of characters or themes who I'll see if I read your comic... and a garden (probably this last important for the story)
I've always opted for the anonymity on internet because I'm shy and I prefer the criticism of people who I can't see than the ones who I meet outside, just 3 persons know about my comic "Bite" but I think in a future this will be spreaded because I want to expose and be a professional after all :c
It's the first time I listen to it with lyrics D:
This it's a good idea, I'll check the list :0 aand I like a lot of bands of metal, hardore, rock etc.. but sometimes I think instrumental pieces works very nice for the creativity... for example videogame soundtracks!
Generally I think both, but I'll choose engagement, because you can receive support as pageviews for example, and probabbly a quanty of viewers are not registered on the site (or they're in but they don't add the comic on the library) but if you have 100 subscribers and 1000 visits, this means about…
I use photoshop for practically everything, a very old wacom tablet and somethimes my notebooks to create the ideas, also, I use canvas about 550x2500 px
I didn't know about Paranatural, looks interesting I don't have to much time to follow comics so, I have opted for lighter comic strips (Z-T00N for example) and random finished comic books for vacations
I tried xD
Congrats! It's funny because I have one since 3 or 4 years ago and I still do not feel comfortable using it (I'm most in the traditional media) even so I love it, I hope you have fun with your tablet
I hadn't noticed, and I come in to find out what's going on and............ the Gifs!! XD
I'm studying english, it is difficult to learn in school because in most cases the subject is secondary, it was always one of my favorite subjects and it is now easier for me to practice online than at university (Forums, videogames...) but I do not think I can follow a conversation in a chat
I like this question, I don't know either
I was in the noteworthy and picked by the staff but I never received a notification