Comic = Dolls Abyss
https://tapas.io/series/DollsAbyss/info tapas.io/dashboard/index
Hoping one day to make this a living but for now a part time job. Tell me your opinion on my art or story, as i welcome all criticism and love to hear other peoples opinions and perspectives.
- Joined
- Mar 14, '20
- Last Post
- Mar 7
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- 1 day
- Views
- 47
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A cute comic with strong folk lore/fairytail vibes. Fantasy set in modern day
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to review and critique my comic. I’ll definitely take note of your tips. Especially with the summary, i struggle a lot with those. Will definitely give it a rewrite.
Liked and subbed.
Read and commented on some of your chapters
[image] [image] (I kinda get strong “techno magic” vibes from yours. If that makes sense)
It’s always great to reach any milestone.
[image] [image] Just finished the inks of an quality of life upgrade. Moved onto the flats. Still need to do full render.
I’ve been doing some quality of life upgrades for my comics in my spare time. And i jus5 finished the inks for one of my old panels.
Hopefully its obvious which one is new
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I din’t know if your doing comics. But if you are i’d love a review. I’m always looking for ways to improve. (Don’t worry bout being harsh or blunt)
[image] Subbed
Just like some of yours.
Just updated (expert from episode) [image]
The blue haired boy is Nix, and the brown haired boy is Yle. Don’t ask for last names. I forgot they exist. [image]
[image] My current goal is 100.
[image] I always want to say more in these things but my mind always comes up blank.
True, it also helps that their costumes are usually skin tight so you can easily just paint it intop pf the pose and not have to worry about fabric folds or anything. And its so much fun to play around with spider-man costume designs:)
[image] Pose reference practice turned into fanart Dolls abyss
From thumbnail to the latest finished page [image] [image]
[image] Thumbnailing
Im switching between 2 different moods Mae martin good dream And young and a menace by fall out boys