
Commandante Lemming

Dec 29, '21
Last Post
Jan 13, '22
Mar 24, '22
Trust Level

I love building characters, and there's lots of different methods. Sometimes it's just as I feel them. That said, one method that produces really reliably good characters is to start with a central contradiction - two aspects of a person that pull them in opposite directions, create internal conflic…

Oooooh. I've only read the first few sentences (getting late) but I'm going to come back to that one!

That's extremely cool! Love the melding of modern and traditional art!

Thanks for the insightful comments and the great suggestions. I'm already a Lupita subscriber and I see why your art gets so much love around here (including multiple times on this thread!) And yes, I wanted to have a thread that was more than just an excuse to promote my own stuff (although I certa…

I'm really interested in Neon Noir! I've seen it around and I definitely mess with that type of near future. I'll add it to the list although (as I've told others) I'm a super slow reader so catching up on novels that have been running a while is going to take time. And yes, as a novelist, I totally…

That's really well put together!

COOL STUFF! Super intriguing beginning!

That is cool! I like the writing and hope it gets an audience!!

Thanks for all the recommends!

Engram looks fun! Like the art!

"Rocksteady" is super-cool! Love the characters.

"Ex Machina" is one I already want to read when I have time! Way to rep the cyberpunk genre! (Also I'd be super interested in your thoughts on mine, as I'm also playing the near-future game, but almost taking an anti-cyberpunk approach). I've already read through what's available of "Lupita" - tha…

Thanks for commenting! Glad you're enjoying and your stuff is cool as well!

Thanks for your support and I definitely have "Red Shift" on my list! (I'm a slow reader so I'm trying to get through one binge novel at a time - which is ironic since I'm asking everyone to read mine lol).

"Terra Prima" is really intriguing - you have a lot of episodes and I have a lot of reading, so it may be a while before I catch up, but I am super intrigued.

I mean, who doesn't love rockets and robots?

Love your art on "Heaven Hunters!"

"Seven Stars Silver Clouds" is cool - love the action - and I'll have to look into "Intangibility," wild premise.

Hey everyone! As a new creator here, I've been obnoxiously hitting the self-promotion threads, so I figured I should just get one going myself - with a twist. I want to see where the other Science Fiction creators are and get to know you, so this is a SF-only Self-Promotion thread. Let's see your…

Not sure what start the story writing itself. I think I just encountered a lot of stories as a kid and since I was pretty good at writing stuff in school I tried writing stories. I do know what tipped me into writing a novel. I'd had the idea in my head for years but only wrote a few scenes. Then …

For that laugh you get a no questions asked subscribe lol

"Let's f up the multiverse" 🤣🤣

I'm brand new so I think my immediate goal for the novel is to get to 20 subscribers in the next few weeks. Long term, I'm less concerned with subscriber totals than getting ten people who read and comment regularly. That's not a high numbers but it takes a lot of subscribers to get one regular comm…

She's in over her head

I have a personal website for mine - soft-launched there before I discovered Tapas. Hard to get readership direct to a site though. Here's same story on Tapas: