Dave Stankoven
What's up internet?
Creator of Rainy Days, ZEROES, and SeasonS
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- Nov 12, '13
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- Feb 11, '21
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- Feb 11, '21
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I'm admittedly a little annoyed that there are no Pride Flags in the Tapas forums.
Slice of Myth
I love you too
I’ll re-read it but I think this method is the point of supporting both your vision and the rest of the worlds Understanding of genres. That creators and readers can find what they want without having to limit it.
Which is why I think we need to avoid classifying any genre as Main and Sub. This way people can dial in exactly the series they've created and not be limited by your or my perspective on what counts as a legitimate genre.
Including "main" and "sub" genres was precisely where I ran into issues. I think these all should remain so that they can be found when needed. I also think this system removes the need to declare a "main" genre for any particular series. That they are a combination of these various types. Like, yes…
This is exactly why I tried to boil it down to 6-8 Primes and the rest as secondaries but yes. There are so many Genres.
Yes all of these. I just hadn’t fleshed it out this far. I will add all of these when I’m back at a computer.
I will add as soon as I can.
Haha I'll add it. Can't leave them out.
That's actually a good point and thank you for that.
I understand. I figured this would be easier to grasp on paper and I considered visual aids but my main fault seems to have been trying to divide things into Primary and Secondary and that caused pretty much everyone's issues in the comments so there is a NEW version above in the original post that …
You wouldn't and that's exactly my point. That sci-fi and fantasy dependent on the aesthetic and not the story itself. Yes this is based on my understanding of how I think Genres should would. I believe we were limited by the order in which genres appeared in history and because we didn't have com…
I have posted a new version above. Please take a look and let me know what you think.
I believe this to be a misconception of how stories work. The world details could easily be translated to a real-world version. This takes some bearing with me. Yes in fantasy things that are impossible in our world become possible but that doesn't change the nature of themes of the story. Most fa…
Essentially exactly this.
That is essentially what this is. The Prime and Secondaries are all treated functionally the same I just have them divvied for organization. It could be exactly this but just with more options, I just figured boiling it down would make it easier to find what you're looking for or filter out what you…
Great point. Non-fiction needs an Prime Genre.
I don't see how yet but that is partially what this forum post is for.
Well, that's exactly why 2 years ago I tried to get the forums to brainstorm additional ways for smaller creators to be discovered because I still believe there's a popularity ceiling that most series hit where they got stuck outside of the Fresh section and don't have enough readers to reach the …
You make a fair point on the Romance section, but I think my naming convention is causing some confusion. With this system you would be able to click the LGBTQ Secondary Genre and see ALL the LGBTQ comics. It wouldn't be a cascading system where you are only seeing Action->LGBTQ+ My concept here is …
Good points. I will add those.
It wouldn't be removed, it would still be a genre. This is just a method for more clear organization as right now things are too messy IMO. It would still have a singular page where it can be found. Agreed. I will add those.
I still think it being considered a "secondary" isn't about its size but rather what it means for the story. That Fantasy is an aesthetic and doesn't dictate what the story itself will actually be about. But I have updated the post above to reflect concerns.
I believe this is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, you can be specific, but on the other hand, people that are seeking to avoid any exposure to an LGBTQ story can have their way. This way, you can search for romance in general but the secondary genre is still there for specifying if you want to…
Exactly. While all are Sci-Fi they are vastly different stories. The only consistent part is the general direction of the designs. That they are fictionally scientific.
Well, see, and there comes in a bit of how I view those differently. I know historically it's viewed as a genre but it feels to me more like an asthetic that doesn't technically have a bearing on the direction of the story. Basically that a sci-fi/fantasy can be any of those "Prime" genres and still…
Hello again, Everyone. Let's call everything in the quoted block below "Version 1" I still think this system will work but dividing the genres into "Prime" and "Secondary" is causing confusion and distracting from the intended purpose. So let's start here: A filter system. Much like how Best…
So basically these series just won't be discoverable on the iOS app.... that's good to know... but does change a plan I had of unifying Rainy Days and Seasons.
Technically the bottom. I would split the difference... either words fine. The kerning might be a little off in general for both though.
The final post for the contest has been submitted. It's essentially Act 1 Good luck to the rest of you who submitted as well. I look forward to finding new and wonderful things to read.