Jan 27, '23
Last Post
Jul 31, '23
Sep 8, '23
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Bleh, oh well - I'll just have to subtract 3 from the amount every time I see new notifications lol

Before the site update, the Notifications tab would let me know whenever I got a new subscriber, comment, or like. However, now it shows me notifications for these "Messages" which are just promotions for certain series. [image] I haven't seen a way to disable them, but it's pretty obnoxious to …

I'm pretty bad at sharing my work so I'm only at about 9 subs lol but hey, I'm slowly getting there :slight_smile: [image]

Went all-out on making nice backgrounds for this page! It's a nice change of pace from the usual hospital walls, but OOF, it took awhile to draw :cold_sweat: [image]

Hot off the press, it's a new page of Veronica & Mona! :slight_smile: [image]

Just updated with a new page! (Mildly NSFW, but nothing dirty) [image]

Just posted another "What if..." page, this time: "What if they were... Ninja Assassins?" :dagger: [image]

Just posted today's page - another in the "What if they were..." series :slight_smile: [image]

Well shoot, I was thinking about maybe removing the Mature tag since there isn't any actual nudity, but maybe it'd be best to play it safe (or at least only tag the particularly-risque pages)

Hi there! I just joined a few days ago and I'm in the process of uploading a comic series that I've been drawing for the last few months, "Veronica & Mona". It ended up surprisingly popular on Twitter, so I was hoping to share it here as well! That said, the comic is very much "adult" humor - not th…

Just uploaded another page of "Veronica & Mona" :kissing_closed_eyes: The comics are a bit lewd though, so just be aware that it's Mature-tagged! [image]

She do be groovin' tho :astonished: [image] (2 quick frames doodled up, and then flipped horizontally lol)

Holy cow, "250 subs" is quite the distance away lol but here it is! "Veronica & Mona" - the risqué misadventures of two lewd nurses working at a hospital. As you might've guessed, it's a tad NSFW, so browse at your own discretion! [:blusht:]

I just posted about 13 pages of my ongoing comic (I've still got a few more finished pages to upload), but I draw new stuff about every 2-3 days :slight_smile: Give it a look sometime! (+18 though! They're a little lewd sometimes... technically, most of the time)

Hello! I've been drawing my silly comics on Twitter for a few months now, but I just joined Tapas today and I'm excited to share them with a new community. I'm Doctor Loops and I make "Veronica & Mona", a comic about two nurses and their lewd misadventures at their hospital. It's often pretty risqué…