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- Feb 13, '22
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- Aug 10, '23
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- Aug 10, '23
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Just updated my story today and feel quite amazing about it and personally feel that the latest chapters have upped the quality of my series compared to previous chapters. Drop the link to your series below and lets see if its as good as you think. Will be reading them to see what the fuss is all …
Think you have a great series but want to get some readers to read your wonderful stories then you came to the right place. Share your story below and let's all find some new stories to read. I'm also currently writing a novel called The Krones of Mathe if you would find to read it there is a li…

I just recently uploaded my latest chapter which I think is pretty interesting. Was wondering if I could get some constructive feedback on it, or if you could just review my work as a whole Thank you in advance.
Just finished creating my own latest chapter which I think is the best I've written yet, and it almost takes the entirety of the 15000 character word count. I was pretty proud of it and wanted to show it off. Make sure to share yours so we can all engage and find great novels to read.
Just updated my story today and feel proud of creating another chapter. Thought of the idea to share our work together and get some feedback on them Here is a link to my work and my recently updated chapter hope you enjoy and make sure to post your works below!
A boy lives with his grandfather who lives with many secrets Content, happy, and blissful the boy lives his life with his grandfather in total isolation in a snowy mountain peak with an everlasting winter. Confronted with the total destruction of his way of life, the boy, weak and ignorant is forc…
Thought it would be interesting to create my own post that I see quite frequently here on the forum and to find interesting stories to read. Synopsis: A boy lives with his grandfather who lives with many secrets Content, happy, and blissful the boy lives his life with his grandfather in total isol…
Looking for some feedback on mines. Synopsis: A boy lives with his grandfather who lives with many secrets Content, happy, and blissful the boy lives his life with his grandfather in total isolation in a snowy mountain peak with an everlasting winter. Confronted with the total destruction of his…
Synopsis: A boy lives with his grandfather who lives with many secrets Content, happy, and blissful the boy lives his life with his grandfather in total isolation in a snowy mountain peak with an everlasting winter. Confronted with the total destruction of his way of life, the boy, weak and ignora…
A boy lives with his grandfather who lives with many secrets Content, happy, and blissful the boy lives his life with his grandfather in total isolation in a snowy mountain peak with an everlasting winter. Confronted with the total destruction of his way of life, the boy, weak and ignorant is forc…