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- Oct 5, '14
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- Aug 15, '16
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- Aug 18, '16
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The Tapastic Staff are wonderful people and aspiring entrepreneurs. Enough said. But, I'd like to thank Tapastic personally for the postitive impact they have had upon my life. Junior High was not an easy time for me. I wasn't sure what I was going to do in a new school or how I was going to get …
Duchess Chrysantheum from Tall Tales here as a zombified Duchess just for Halloween! [image]
If you still need an artist, I'd love to do that! Here is a sample of my work if you want. If not, I understand because someone else did offer first.
Does anyone want to?
Haha, most of my comics are squencial so they follow a story, if you want to I can private message you the next episode of any of my 6 comics with buttons to press on my wall. If none of these stories fit your fancy, you can just do a random guest strip and I can feature it on my sketchbook comic …
Duchess Chrisantheum (from Tall Tales) wears a modern day outfit instead of her royal attire! [image]
[image] This is probably so far my favorite piece, simply because of the great turnout of the lighting. The people have a couple problems, the line work it really pixelated and the girls feet aren't quite right... regardless, though it's still my favorite.
@infectedbloodcomics Thanks, for the offer, but I'm looking at a short comic to draw in the near future, but your thread seems that it will need, well, continued time spent on drawing and there doesn't seem to be any stories developed quite yet. Maybe I will look into this later, but for now, I'll p…
It doesn't hurt to try to make a website, no promises it will be easy, but there are enough people on the internet for one of them to know what went wrong with your website if there are malfunctions. Weebly and Word Press are the two websites that I know support making websites. If you keep digging…
I am an artist who is currently looking to do a short story for practice. What I mean by a short story is within afew pages the problem is addressed and within 20 or so pages, the story ends. The story Unstoppable is a good example of the kind of story I would like to be drawing. Additionally, I…
[image] Canada THEif, RAZE, Tall Tales, Reset +more
Raze : My world is crumbling
I think I had too much fun with this. Xd [image]
Here is a funnyish short about how one of my characters magic works, if you have the time. The proccess of Fate The green mist of the past, present and future swirls around an old blind maiden, the green foggy magic seeps out of her eyes, hands, mouth and ears. In the distance an old man grumb…
How will this corresopnd to the rest of the internet? If only US based material is allowed to be taken from the internet and used freely, what happens to people on the internet who come from different parts of the world? Will the US be able to take people from Scotland's work? This could pose some m…
It does take, actually a lot of devotion to keep updating multiple comics every week. There isn't a lot of time to sit around and dribble, especially if you either go to school or have a fulltime job. I work hard to get four comic pages up each week, its a lot of devotion to continue not just one s…
We are still taking people, we just need your email address so we can add you to the collab.
For those wondering about the prgress of our collaboration, here is a teaser for you all to see. We are still open for collsborators if anyone wants to join. TEASER Once there was an idyllic, prosperous world where most things were powered by magic. It was used for everyday tasks by most of t…
Iwould be open to doing some strips in my free time, if this thing is still open!
I usually upload one scene in one batch. I don't do more than four 4000px width in vertical format.
@UzukiCheverie There is a vertical limit. 4000 pixels.
I am going bananas!!! [image]
When is the cut off? I have tons of school work to do right now but I want to paricipate before it ends.
This seems strangely like Delivery by Nesallienna, mostly because of the bigger spy organization feel and a rivalry between the people who aren't necessarily the bad guys. My comic is called Raze
Another one!!! Count me in, too!
Mixtape [image] Sorry about the quality, my drawing tablet was malfunctioning to I used my mouse. By the way, I may not be able to contribute to this every day, though I will try.
Some links get linked, some don't I don't know why, but make sure there are spaces at the beginning and end of the links. Here is the link to my account. http://tapastic.com/Euphorie
I would like to put these on Tapastic as a comic. Would you put them on your account or an account like, Daily Comic Challenge Studios? Topic suggestion : Eating Quarters
I was fooling around with blue lighting. I'm starting to like it. I am looking forwatd to seeing more of these. I would do more of these!