10 / 10
Jun 2015

Ok guys, i am worrking on a comic, but if I fit it to the size required bgy the page the text turns into illegible pixels. How can i deal with this problem?

  • created

    Jun '15
  • last reply

    Jun '15
  • 9


  • 1.5k


  • 8


  • 2


  • 1


Can you upload your page so I can see what it looks like? Not on Tapastic, just on some other place where I can see how big you want them to be, and/or how tiny the details look when shrunken?

What drawing program are you using? That's the first question I'm gonna ask here. Some programs offer a lot more versatility with image/resolution size than others.

Second, what sizes are you using to draw at and what resolution are you using? Just letting you know from my own personal experience, don't be using the default 72 dpi for your standard resolution, it's crap. Use 300 or higher, you'll get much better results.

Remember that there's no vertical limit to your pages (so long as the total file is less than 2MB), they just need to be no wider than 940 px.

So what I'd suggest is to draw it at full size (whatever full size is for you) and full res, and then just shrink the image down to 940 px width for when you save it as JPG (although I suggest not saving over the original file size, there's no harm in keeping back-up files at the original size and resolution!)

Make sure that you aren't stretching/squishing your file and are keeping the same proportions. 940 x 4000 are just the limits that you can't exceed. Also sometimes there maybe issues with anti-aliasing that can be affecting your text, a screenshot will better help us help you!

Show us the page. Maybe you're using a small font size?

I draw my vertical comics in one giant file (it always almost burns the computer, but heck, it's fun). I drawn on a canvas 1500 pixels wide (for posting here I resize it half to 750 px) and the height is stretched by the comic need. After resizing it I slice it to 750 x 1000 px tiles that I upload together - this way there is practically no vertical limit and it also loads faster than one big file.

For example, this episode was originally 1500 x 48 000++ px:


One note: for posting online, you don't really have to worry about resolution, just define your canvas with pixels, not inches, cm etc.
Also, drawing your art on a canvas twice the size you'll be posting it is good as the art becomes sharper.

Maybe for individual parts of the series, like each individual page, but if you upload more than one file sometimes it can go on forever and ever and ever.

I usually upload one scene in one batch. I don't do more than four 4000px width in vertical format.