Kevin Reijnders
Creator of the Graphic Novel Trespasser
So I went over the two different versions of the first chapter. And while I think you have definitely improved your work on a technical level, I feel some of the added details remove some of the charm your older work had. I think you should keep in mind "less is more" for your work. Just because you…
General story synopsis for Trespasser Living amongst the ruins of an ancient intergalactic war, the ever adventurous and impulsive Kyara will leave no stone unturned in search gadgets and gear. With the help of her technically minded friend Zack, she'll face off against fearsome machines and deadl…
Trespasser is an action-adventure set in a science fiction world!
Putting in a Chapter 01 reference in Chapter 03, and damn Chapter 01 looks so much rougher than I remembered haha. [image]
A quick simple Kyara sketch to warm up. [image]
Okay lol, I guess the comic I've been working on for the past 5 years doesn't exist then [:rofl:] Empty portfolio my ass.
Nah, it's real easy to spot ai garbage, especially the extremely lazy ones like yours
Yeah, except this isn't a genuine artwork, it screams gen ai. It has all the hallmarks of it, from the generic anime face to the molten shading, the fucked up hands and the inconsistent details.
🏻 AI
20 characters and a sentence to please the forum Gods
A pose challenge/meme was going around bluesky, I finally caved and did it. [image]
If I were to do a novel on tapas, I'd write the whole thing first and then start publishing it. With my comic, the process of production is too slow to wait for it to be completely finished. That said, I have already written and sketched out the whole thing.
Haha yeah, 10 books would have probably broken me (of the 5 books, it's already taken me since mid 2019 to reach 20% of book 3) [:sweat_02:] I'd love to explore those aspects in some form or another. The most likely form it would take atm is in a (series of) short story(ies). But all that remains …
So little Trespasser schedule update. I decided to ditch my monthly upload plan for everything after the 3rd "episode". I've simply been too delayed with production and do not want to compromise the quality of the work. Depending on how things go, I might even abandon the originally planned 13 ep…
In Chapter 02, Kyara was originally planned to have a scrapper crew/friend group to hang out with. I even considered given them a minor subplot moving forward. But because of some priority changes I had to scrap their screen time. I did however give them little cameos, most notably in the short "fav…
Quick little warm-up sketch, using an older messy coloring style of mine. [image]
When people tell you your boyfriend is your boyfriend, but you aren't aware of the fact that he's your boyfriend yet. [image]
Reported for using a Gen ai cover
I know better than to actively engage with your questions, lest I tumble down a frustrating rabbit hole. Instead, I'm linking a writing lecture series by Brandon Sanderson and you do the work yourself [:smile_01:]
Putting the 3D model into practice for the next set of pages. [image] NEW EPISODES COMING MAY 27th!
I like the 2nd one better, not because of the coloring but because of the framing and posing. If I'm being honest, I can't tell the difference between the two in terms of coloring style.
After a lot of 3D work, we finally got the overview shot of the Buntha Village ready to go. [image] NEW EPISODES COMING MAY 27th

Thanks! Zack's actually very self conscious about his scars, bordering on shame. So the fact that he's openly showing them here, shows how comfortable he is around Kyara [:smile_01:]

Haha, how very unsurprising It does leave very little to the imagination after all.

An older Zack (with a bit of beard!?) being not too shy showing off some (parts) of the goods. [image]
Always wanted to add plugsuits to Trespasser, but they just didn't make sense in the world. Oh well, gotta settle for some non-canon sketches then. [image]
[image] Could you at least try to be a bit nicer to the people here? All I've seen you do is either insult other people's work or brag about how amazing you think your work is, while demanding other's think it's a 10/10. Frankly, you are starting to get on my nerves with this behavior.
And you know what, fair is fair, I'll throw my hat in the ring as well for a thorough beat down: [image]
The main issue I have with this piece is that it's not clear where the light is coming from. Knowing your light source(s) is key to rending shadows and light. From what I can tell there are 3 big light sources in your work here. The main light source that illuminates the character, the red fire in…