

Kings Club creator, check it out to see my complete profile :slight_smile:

Could someone show a sample with a banished NSFW page? I don't know what is really "offensive" to (nazi-douchebags) Apple. I know it was described in their content policy guidelines. Still, it's hard to "visualize"...

I saw Oddly Vanilla in their catalog. I browsed a lot of comics over there and yours was the only one with a Western style. It makes you a winner in that place, because you're the exception to the rule :smiley: I read in some place I can't recall that they don't allow NSFW comics. Is it true?

Hmm, never heard about them. I checked out the link you've posted and... aw, it's massive for manga. AGAIN I felt pretty discouraged to try something there. But I wish everyone who will try this host the best of luck :slight_smile: Go for it, guys! (P.S.: I love manga, I just don't use this style anymore).

I've been trying to convince him to do an animation, for months. He refused until now -__- sigh

" I noticed we seem to have various artist and writers around that are autistic..." WOW! I didn't ever know it was possible! My little brother was diagnosed as a non-verbal autistic and I've been trying to communicate with him for years. It's been always hard and we tried all kind of treatment. I'…

Answers: 1- I ALWAYS use the creator dashboard. 2- My primary use for this is to upload the comic and reply my readers. 3- Please, get rid of NSFW filter blocking non-users. Forcing them to sign in the site only infuriates them. Just give them a warning message before opening a comic with NSFW, woul…

Yes! Indie online comics are way different from published print comics (audience age, genre, etc). Have you tried to work with publishers? If you really want to work with comics, send a submission to a real publisher. My two cents :slight_smile: My background and why I told you that: I'm veteran from the comi…

Poder pros BR!!! E a qualidade dos quadrinhos brasileiros é incrível. Muito trabalho bom por aqui.

Tantos quadrinhos incríveis que até agora não consegui conferir nem 10% dos links que você postou aqui ^^

Agreed! If they blocked LGBT content, 90% of Webtoon and Tapas would be blocked to the readers LOL I think straight romance is a dying genre on the internet XD (making clear I have nothing against lgbt content. I'm just saying they have a strong presence online).

I think the problem is about +18 mature content. Some countries and their restrictions, you know. But about being LGBT, I don't think so... or 90% of Webtoon would be blocked in those countries XDDD

I don't know, he said he'd be back after making a second account and he hasn't come back yet. I'm still waiting to see :slight_smile: (Thank you for confirming the visualization from Iran! Appreciated!).

Você foi tão rápida que não consegui nem ver quando você criou o tópico! E ainda colocou mais histórias que conhecia por aqui. Demais! Obrigada por abrir esse thread! (Wow, reparei que o pessoal brasileiro tem uma excelente qualidade aqui. Hah! É isso aí!)

I think the same before, but I'm not sure about it. I'll ask for my reader to open another mature rated comic and check to see if he has the same problem. If the same isn't happening to other +18 comics, I'll end up to think of it as a conspiracy against Western comic style XD

Thank you very much :slight_smile: (Yup, we're almost neighbor!)

The bizarre thing is that my reader has followed my account since my first account. He never experienced any problem before. This block happened after an app Line update.

Thank you! Please, give me a head up if you manage to open my comic in your country by Webtoon. The name is: Kings Club 2 (2... because it's my second account, since they've never fixed the major login bug...): (Chile? Holla :slight_smile:

Their two hamsters running on a wheel, which they call IT team, don't know how to fix a bug.

I had the same problem 1 month ago. It goes as it comes, out of thin air...

Webtoons is a Korean naver, 95% of comics in Webtoons have the art style similar to manga/manhwa/Eastern stuff. Stylized Western cartoon has a good reception there too.You won't have any problem publishing there if you have something similar to Eastern style or stylized cartoon even Western (Disne…

Oh yeah! We need more Gun Fu like in John Wick! At least, I demand for more!

I love Noir, Conspiracy thriller and crime genres. Why? Because it's easy to like something good and pretty. I take the hard way and try to understand something bizarre (like pug puppy), immoral and a rule breaker. Ha!

The baddies have their a** kicked in the end. Pretty different from the real life XD I love this cliché!

Yup, mine. It's one of the rare crime comics here:

I understand you. I pay my bills as a comic book artist too (over 10 years), working for publishers as an artist. I know the financial instability is a problem in our area. It's good to have, at least, a part time job or some contracts lined up, because you should have some peace in your mind to w…

Animation job? Go for it! :smiley: (I'm a comic book artist - vet over a decade serving the publishers - and I think being an animator is a total hardcore job, even for me and my 15 hour work shift. But I'm a game designer too, so I understand your taste for hard tasks). Much respect for you!

It's true! Creating comics is like an itchy which we have to scratch, and if we don't, we become miserable in our soul. I really understand you ^^

You didn't give up on your comic. You deserve respect :slight_smile: I don't think being slow is a problem. Giving up is the problem. (nice colors, btw)

I agree with you. It isn't fair to invest a large amount of time reading a comic and the creator just give up in a midway story arc. That's why I planned ahead and made an entire Graphic Novel, with a beginning and an end. I wrote all the scenes and finished everything. Now, it's just to draw. I sta…

I'm pretty confused. Are you looking for realistic or manga? For me, those two styles are pretty far from each other, heh. My comic isn't a manga-esque (or cartoon, or cutesy). Check it out if you're looking for something non-manga (or non-cartoon... or no family oriented): Kings Club I recomm…