13494 / 13900
Mar 2023

Finished the 1st stage of page prep- got five formatted; just gotta pencil & ink in the gaps, then the pages are ready to color! Gonna try to pencil and ink those by Wednesday, then format 5 more pages...then I'll start coloring the pages this coming weekend.

Finished coloring the last prepped page I was working on from yesterday; if I can keep this up, I should be done with this book by the beginning of April..!


i've been messing around seeing what the new lappy can handle (it's very good but i guess after working with a dud everything is impressive) but after a test timelapse with medibang since they have the feature and plugging that some music and the final piece into openshot (free video editor i found online) i made a diddlydang speedpaint :hype_01:

just did a test post to twitter in circles and it looks okay audio and video quality is good and i'm literally freaking out albeit internally but ohmigosh :blusht:

I’ve been busy again but just caught up with this thread. I’m so glad that I finished production of my latest webtoon episode. The process I use to manually color in lighting effects took several hours and hurt my hands at times and a method that could be more efficient finally crossed my mind… when I was near the end of that step! :weary:

For the next episode I should try that method and see how much time it saves me. :thinking:

Those must be what they call symphatic citizens with real problems. i hardly see any, only walk around their golf courses for kilometers.

Thought obtaining a tax ID number for Awesome Con was going to be time consuming & cost some $$$- but a con peer told me where to go; got my tax ID number in 10 minutes and it was FREE.

Other than completing my projects, the only other obstacle now is to book the hotel room.

Currently trying to pay down a balance on my credit card, waiting on the feedback about the house, and trying to juggle time between work and art. :weary:

Now that I've gotten more than 8 hrs of sleep...it's time to start working on comic stuffs today..!

UPDATE: Been spending the evening touching up my Asajj Ventress piece that I did back in 2020...the goal is to turn it into a print; I think I'm done, and it is ready.

So...did the Clip Studio 2.0 thing. Upgraded, which only cost me like $40...something about getting an update pass to update every year or at the end of 3 yrs.

I'll wait it out and see what these "update passes" entail.

Curious to see what I can do with the 3-D face option; not so eager to use my webcam for the hand scanning 3-D tool...it looks fun but I'm wondering: "Is this being recorded? Does it become some type of proprietary property of Celsys to own for some AI shit?"

The auto shading tool/option looks kind of crappy; hopefully it gets better with updates.

I'm glad they are doing some progress on CSP's text/lettering capabilities; it now allows fonts with auto ligatures, and does text wrap...I still most likely wont be using it for lettering though- Adobe Illustrator is still light years ahead(and I'm only still using CS5).

Just wanted to say for the folks that are here and not on the discord...
We are almost done with our comic. Almost 5 years and only 17updates to go.

Sent the Asajj Ventress piece off for print- only issue is RA Comics has this janky thing going on when you try to attach your file to the order request so I had to upload it through another avenue of theirs...just awaiting confirmation that they got the file.

Hasn't even been printed yet and I'm eager to get the printed finish.

UPDATE: Got word from the printer- they got my file. I'm good...at first I kinda cringed at my work but after putting the file away for a couple years and then pulling it out & touching it up, I like the piece.

Yesterday was one of those days where I just really did not feel like doing anything day gig related(I think I'm subconsciously politicking for the 4-day work week); today I feel a little better in trying to get things done...

I'm over here low key freaking out about having 15 pages left to do on Clique #4, but if I pace myself right I should be okay...all I have to do is complete the pages in increments of 5 pages per batch; I can knock out 5 pages in about a week and a half.

2/3 through reading "Thinner" Definitely one of my favorite Stephen King novels so far.

I really need to start doing art shows regularly, mostly for the morale of those that see's the potential in my making artwork.

Fortunately, the notes on my art during my brief peak last year and critical things I should identify in my newer pieces are starting feel more specific, which is really motivating me to trust my rhythm and spontaneity.

I think I can do much better work this year, now that I'm a little more organized and experienced.
Even if I can't, being able to do 1 or 2 impactful works this year, and having an intuition for what communicates well, will be a promising moment of truth for me.

@angie_draws_things gosh I love Pickles xD
"I am dark, brutal and filled with hatred" is like half of my personality at this point :joy:
Also I recently half-named a character after Skwisgaar lol

@LCT_m_a_d how many art shows have you participated in already? :grinning: I am most sure this year will be yours, even from my place I can see you gaining the experience needed for progress in this field :grin:

After doing much of nothing this past weekend(coz tired and doctor's appointment), I'm going to try to get back to work on these pages this week. I want to do something tonight, but I'll see how I feel.

Started looking at hotels for the DC show and while I'm a little disgusted at the money I'll have to shell out for a room, if I can get the right hotel I can do a little sight seeing in DC while I'm there...I need to ask my peer about some eating joints there- I don't wanna waste time running around trying figure out what I want to eat when the show is over for the day.

Also- STILL waiting on feedback about the house. :weary:

Beware accidentally clicking a link to a YouTube video that no longer exists. You WILL crash your browser. Don't ask how I know.