Here's my boy Cairo and his boss/mom(?) Giza. [image] Within the context of the story most the basis of Cairo's identity (birthday, country of origin, specific ethnicity, parentage/familial connections, birth name) have been withheld since childhood so that he can better adapt as an undercover a…
Just finished my first year of uni (like half an hour ago)
They have a pretty bad time, but they make it out to the other side
Scars are kinda important in See The Stars, Everyone in the main cast has them and they're emblimatic of the particular ways that the Tazdahir has messed them up. Alya has a lot of sporadic stab/slice wounds due to infighting among technicians. They have two on their stomach, one on each arm, one …
[image] Incorporial incorperated indulging in the true spirit of halloween - basically it's the same as any other day but you inflict horror movies on your loved ones (more than usual) this was a nice peice to roud out the challenge.
wowza so ominous
[image] Oooh this one was fun, how refreshing, art has been a little tedious lately, probably a byproduct of life being a bit meh atm (bad weather, studying for exams, worrying about plans for next year...) Soetimes you gotta remember that life is really about drawing kickass poses with cool visual …
[image] I like to think that Ira has more make-up on hand than Em because he likes giving his little sisters manicures.
I Love alyssa's little cobweb sweater!!! it's soo cute (God I wish I had more halloween-themed clothes..)
[image] jenny nicholson! the queen of halloween
hell yeahhhh! we love fucked up deer symbolism!
[image] sorry for any eyestrain... [:sweat_02:]
[image] One of my first characters ever, Blaze! She's evolved over the years, but her main theme and the thing that stuck with all her derivatives is dimension-hopping. She is an ageless being with a couple of lackeys that she goes on adventures with (very doctor who-ish, specifically David Tennant'…
It depends, racial coding (and coding in general) is kinda unavoidable. People are free to interpret your character's traits as they wish and that means there will be repercussions for the things that they project onto them. So it is benificial to be intentional with your coding of your anthro chara…
Good news! I'm finally getting back the motivation for my comic! bad news: [image] we're in for a bad time.
[image] Najm's terrible, horrible, very bad, no good day.
[image] Today is niche interest! I love sharks, I love shark documantaries, I know many shark facts.
he's so cute n silly! [image] Day 23 was adult cartoon. so I did some tadc fanart, Kinger has always been my favourite character because I could feel the aura of a tragic comic relief coming off him - he likes bugs and his wife, he's great.
I agree with how 'bad' is a vague term, but you can assess writing in where it succeeds and fails - however just because writing fails at something doesn't mean it's bad, similarly if it succeeds at something it doesn't mean it's good. Usually a failure in one respect can be read as a success if you…
Depends on who you define as the best friend. Qamar and Najm along with Rahat and Alya are probably the best friend in the purely platonic since and all of them would 100% bail on each other if they had to choose between staying together and not getting with Leopold. Qam and Najm would be bummed abo…
[image] The definition of candy gore is vague, I think its just using pastel colours when rendering organs. I am not shy when it comes to showing a dudes' innards (I have 2 intestine warnings in my comic) but I just didn't have any characters I felt like disembowelling. but Ira and the other reape…
hell yeah you mad this dude look so ~elegant~ I love the delacate rendering on the hair, I find thin/sketchy line art to be a huge challenge - especially in digital art - so your line confidence and detail is super impressive!
[image] day 21: gacha life This one was easy, I like a dress-up game every now and then.
Hell yeah!!! she looks so rad!! thankyou so much!
[image] They would be friends if GLaDOS didn't have an instinctual hatred of art history nerds.
[image] I love glados to pieces. She's pretty similar to one of my comic characters, I love a woman who is also a massive terrifying machine, what can I say? I like aspects of the human design, but It's not my best work. could do with another pass. but good enough for now.
these are so pretty!! the colour pallets really fit the characters vibes, especially cassian, the autumn colours match his death theme so well!
[image][image][image] Day 19 - Alt fashion Not super alt, but I did 2 of these for a scrapped animation meme. These are the elder reapers, Alacran and her two demigod kids before Ira, Leucos and Psychros. Leu and Psy are fun because Ira stuggles balancing his life with his role as a demigod, and t…
[image] i wanted to do something for me, cuz it's my birthday, and I like bright colours and characters being affectionate with their partners.
I bet that Cassian's clothes smell like graveyard dirt.