Reveal 창틀
Doodler and writer of "Rewrite" on Tapas & Webtoon
“if you're waiting until you feel talented enough to make it, you'll never make it."
(Criss Jami, Healology)
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I take a break lmao. If I’m stuck I never push through it, creatively that’s probably the worst thing for me to do. So whenever I’m at the point where I feel writers block I always just put the keyboard down and do something else and usually, Probably I’m a couple days or so, I come back with th…
Currently I’m working on two projects but to counter balance the work load I only write on one of them. Rewrite I’m the sole writer and artist And my second project which is a one shot fan comic of Blade Runner I solely focus on the script while the artist does the rest. Couldn’t imagine being …
For my comic the chapter name usually comes after I have fully scripted everything. However in some instances I usually have certain chapter names pre planned prior to even starting the script but just knowing an idea of what will happen in said chapter But when I actually start scripting and the …
[image] A traditional colored sketch of a older Era. Thinking about doing a digital recolor of it later.
Yes, in specific chapter 1. My art has changed I feel and developed to the point where I would want to change little things as well as adding a little bit to the introduction of chapter 1. But also in the back of my mind I like to keep it the same to show my growth as a artist during the comics r…
Thanos was kind of weird if you think about it. I get his reasoning but he literally could’ve have just made unlimited resources through using the gauntlet and avoid having to just wipe out half the population.
It kind of reminds me of Rockos Modern life and a little bit of invader zim, but it’s still unique enough from the two but it reminded me a little of them.
Love your style, reminds me of a blend of two styles from early 90s nick cartoons
Some traditional work, she loves bothering him. [image]
I think what's good is using the reference for the pose itself, so not exactly copying the pose but just using it as a way to guide how you kind of want the pose or stance to look. But yeah I have a friend who is a artist as well who has the same sentiments, that sometimes using references kind o…
It helps with both in a way. In my profession I am usually in charge of doing storyboards and design fictions which encompasses me having to do a lot of drawing and story telling to help pitch potential products to clients as well as painting a realistic picture of that product being used in real …
All time time, think when I don't use references my art tends to look a little to static and stale in my eyes so just seeing different references for poses and what not helps change things up a bit as well as making sure everything looks right antomically
[image] Prior to my comic “Rewrite” I had another comic I had posted on here years before it called “Cosmic” and the main character was a 14 year old boy named Asaya Mcdawn who was a part time super hero. Was heavily influenced by super hero comics but after awhile grew tired of the idea and wan…
Think you have a solid following as is and don't think restarting everything would make it any better; think for what you have right now is great
Good luck on getting your GED; and definitely having something to work toward and plan for can really ease a lot of the mental worries. It’s like it just keeps your mind occupied and not in a constant state of nothing and overthinking
For this I tend to not want to reveal much in terms of character art regarding characters that haven't been introduced. I really like to not only keeping things in the dark but also having the focus of the story be on the characters currently in that story and not a character that will be in it so…
For me I mainly use these forums but what has also been helping me is both Instagram and TopWebComics. With Instagram I first used it to kind of just have a platform outside where I can post my art and also just follow other friends I met through tapas and their work as well. ' I recommend also ha…
Hey nice development, don't stop though; keep going and learning
South Korea is beautiful, went there few years ago, some people love the tourist spots but it’s some of the country locations that I really love especially the food and little markets and all that.
I’ve had a few failed projects on Tapas and looking back wish I actually didn’t delete them but I also can understand why I did. I was in the mindset that I didn’t want anyone to see my failed “older work” so deleting them in a way kind of made me forget about them and also not giving anyone the cha…
Lmfao honestly hate that, I rather someone be authentic and not lie about such a thing as “support” rather than pretend to be this supportive person of anything that I may be doing.
For me its been a combination of social media posts, fresh category, and the forums that have slowly but surely started helping with trickling in new reads over time. Webtoon is the boat to, but usually I get more subs just through it appearing in the fresh category on that platform in comparison to…
Long form black and white fantasy comics are always my cup of tea, glad you decided to come back. Here's my series if you ever have time to take a gander.
No, not negative in the slightest I'll say this, non tapas originals, feature works and etc that aren't displayed in the front page are less likely to get that solely reader audience. With Webtoon however this potential of gaining that audience is far greater due to the amount of people who use w…
With time-skips like others have said if it helps the overall narrative of your story you're trying to tell then by all means, do it. As for the specific plot point you are referring to that wasn't resolved before the time-skip the question I will throw out there is does it need to? The story i…
Can only speak from what has worked for me, but right now I post on Saturday evenings EST; so like around 5-6ish. I use to set myself to a very strict schedule but as I've kept doing this comic thing I went from trying to post weekly to posting whenever a new chapter is ready. Think with this it h…
Lmaoo “beat” is putting it nicely, but glad you liked it
Wasn't expecting something so grim lmao, But yeah, Era's most admirable (but also can be seen as negative) trait, is her upmost love of those close to her and doing whatever it takes to protect them so yeah, the world's going under for sure.
Have this great one from @DualDragons [image] and another great one from @IamKeeks [image] Both really captured Era's look completely while also giving their own artistic take
Yeah its funny because there are some amateur works I subscribe to here and on webtoon that actually have better writing than some things I have read from the professional scene. Usually art leans more in favor with the professionals but for me that more or less doesn't matter. If the art isn't mess…