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This will be my second year doing Art Fight. I had no idea what I was doing last year but still managed to have a great time lol. [image]
Blue Oyster Cult, easy. Everyone knows them for "Don't Fear the Reaper" and "Burning for You", but they've got so many other amazing tracks. The entire "Fire of Unknown Origin" album is full of top tier songs to me and I'm also a sucker for "Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll" from their debut album…
It's pretty typical to say especially for a guy in my age range, but I grew up with Dragon Ball and it played a major factor in me getting interested in art and writing in general. I would practice drawing my favorite characters like Bardock and Gogeta all day. I eventually even made a Saiyan OC and…
I have a pretty bad habit of going back and polishing up old pages even when I don't need to, but there's nothing wrong with keeping old episodes as they are. I don't think redrawing is super necessary in your case. It's a decently big jump in artstyle, but it didn't really take me out of it when re…

You're super right. A lot of people get this idea that they need to start out the gate drawing perfectly, but it's that mindset that holds people back so often. Sketching and making random illustrations over and over without much direction will never get an artist to a point where they think they're…
I've gotten into a few lighthearted arguments with a friend over this. They're strictly at 5 while I consider myself a 1 and it causes a lot of difficulty with communication. I used to be convinced that the issue with this topic was that people were interpreting the question differently. Like obvi…

I'm genuinely convinced that I could handle most standard slasher films. So many victims in those films are people who either never pay attention to their surroundings or for some reason choose to ignore all the red flags. I would just leave as soon as I saw a guy in a mask standing around. Hallow…
Big thing to keep in mind is that for a lot of real life ancient civilizations, their culture was heavily based on simple observations of the world around them. Without modern knowledge, stars and planets were seen as gods. Similarly, cultures forming near the ocean would likely base their trade and…
My comic is a gothic horror story that blends Universal monster films like Dracula and The Wolf Man with the more twisted and modern horror of works like Bloodborne and Silent Hill, all packaged into a mostly real-world setting with magic and fantasy elements. Set in the WW2 era, Dream Reaver: Win…
Definitely a lot better! Good job!
It's a step in the right direction, but I would actually recommend a simple stroke outline or a drop shadow. The foggy backing can work in some situations, but in your case, I feel like it actually covers up a bit too much of your lovely art and it still ends up blending the logo and flames together…
Happy to help! Your cover looks great, by the way! Only thing I would suggest is making the logo pop out a bit more since it blends in with the green flames of your central character. Still, it's very nice and eye-catching!
Hello! For future reference, you can upload images like so. [image] After uploading an image, a line of text will appear as it does in the example below. This line of text represents where the image will appear in the post among the actual text. [image]
I definitely feel a similar way. I love to explore darker themes and take a lot of inspiration from horrific and brutal stories to the point that I honestly feel desensitized and can stomach just about anything in fiction. I'm willing to get just as dark in my own writing and even plan to in the fut…
Kentaro Miura's work on Berserk is one of my biggest inspirations, so I occasionally try to shift away from my more lighthearted artstyle and go for something a lot more dramatic with heavy inks and textures for really important moments. They definitely pale in comparison to Miura's work, but I neve…
I've been needing a good excuse to do another one of these. It's a really fun way to measure my progress over the years! [image]
I'm happy you liked it so much! And thanks for the shoutout, it's much appreciated!

Love this idea, thanks for the opportunity to talk more in depth about characters! [image] 1. Snow Lyte Age: 14 Sex: Male Gender: Male (Cis) Sexuality: Demisexual Place of residence: England Powers/Weapon: Currently he's not capable of much, but he is on the way to becoming a skilled and agile s…
From best to worst... [image] 1. Dwitzer Jägerwild - He comes from a prestigious family of nobles and has been properly taught in formal dance. [image] 2. Doc Lyte - One of the few characters who's in touch with his own generation as a young man in the 1930s. Despite looking stoic and uptight a…
These are my two most recent pieces featuring Zelda (Ocarina) and Ranni from Elden Ring. [image] [image] I had been really unhappy with my art lately, but these illustrations felt like a huge leap for me, so I'm very fond of them still.
Hey, here's some fanart in return as promised! Thanks again for drawing Snow! [image]
Wow, that's amazing, thanks so much! I'll absolutely return the favor as soon as I can! I checked out the first few chapters of your comic as well and think it's super cool, so I subbed as well. Can't wait to read through more of it!
This one's pretty old, but I briefly experimented with animation by making this featuring my comic's protagonists. It's a reference to Mega Man X's pose when clearing a stage! Kept telling myself I would finish it, but never got around to it, lol. This helped me learn about easing to make the tran…
Thanks for offering! Would be cool to see how you'd handle my character Snow. Minor spoilers for his comic, but his sword uses frost-based attacks if you want to get actiony. I'd even be happy to draw your MC as part of a trade if you'd like! [image] [image]
This is the big reason why it took me so long to start actually uploading pages. I would get so much work done over a few months then look back at the early pages and hate everything, causing myself to redo so much out of fear of things not being "perfect". Then by the time I got the early stuff red…