11 / 55
Jun 2018

I mean, they can still wear the hat. Just because a head isn't attached to a body doesn't mean it can't still look nice. Alternatively, its a nice way to cover ones bloody stump of a neck, right? Very on trend.

My current comic has its moments but I don't consider it particularly dark. A future story I want to do involves some.. torturous elements.. though.. and I'm a little worried. I don't plan to cut the messed up bits out, but I will be very careful in how I present them when I eventually get there. I'm a little nervous about it, even though it's the far distant future before I can actually work on it. XD

I was considering having a threat of a school shooting in Demon House, I even scripted out the whole scenario. No one would actually get hurt, they would have stopped the kid before he acted. But the plan was for Tula and her friends to get wind of the student's intentions, call the authorities, and the cops would find some firearms and makeshift bombs in the student's room.

Needless to say this would be an all too real topic and I want to keep Demon House fairly light and more on the fantasy side so I scrapped it.

Oh I thought this was a recent idea. That's true too. I don't see how it'll fit in with any scene either

Since my comic is both about Fairytales and for kids. I have a weird mix of dark and friendly. mostly friendly, I don't do dark as in violence dark, more of a creepy monster dark. ((though there is a scene where rats attack and tear at a monster soooooo maybe some violence someplaces))

the one thing that I cut was In the first 3 drafts a main character dies.

It was in the third act, the heros needed to get out. and this character stepped in to save them and ended up getting a spear through their centre.

In the end I cut it not only because it would be jarring in comparison to the rest of the comic, but also I also It hurt me to see this character go (and I have no problem killing off characters).

I knew this scene would also kill my character (because who can live with half their limbs gone and no cure to stop the blood?) so that was also one of the reasons I scrapped it. They had already gone through a lot so it would be overkill at this point and I grew attached lol. Good to know someone understands.

Well, since we are talking about dark scenes...I may or may not have a character commit suicide. I haven't decided yet.

I toned down the design of a demon because after some feedback, i realized it was too overwhelming and dark for the tone of my comic. (a comedy)

It was a good call. Got some further advice in the forums and the latest design was more fitting to what i was aiming for.

I wanted to give a dark past to my character where sexual abuse was involved, because sadly is not so uncommon where I live, but that is a really serious topic and I was not able to give that kind of past to a character even if it's fiction just for the sake of drama. So I decided to avoid that topic unless I want to do a really serious story with more research involved.

Originally I was going to have one of my supporting characters murder someone (in their past), but I realized that killing an innocent person can make someone sorta irredeemable. :confused:

@DiegoPalacios That's badass :scream:

spire isnt. That Dark even though its about vampires but

scrapped this line because it came off too creepy (it was funnier in my head)

an earlier version of spire had cogs head being replaced with a tv screen as humiliation/punishment for defecting, hunters also had guns but it seemed too op for them

in an earlier draft of blaise's backstory william was originally going to be his sire and the scene surrounding his turning was really dark, cant say much without spoiling some stuff but it happened as an impulse decision where blaise said something bad about vampires and it set william off the edge with him pinning down blaise and turning him. it was out of character for william and casts him in a worse light than i want when the story explores his past living in a vampire clan.

chapter 6 of spire has a murder shack in it though

That is a hard and sensitive topic to put in a story. If you didn`t feel ready to tackle it, it was a good call to avoid it.

Thanks! :grinning: this was one of these cases of toning down some darker element to fit the tone of the story.

Literally singing "Love Shack" to myself after this.

Not gonna lie, that was an awesome design, but you're right, it won't fit with the rock comedy

@lunaartemisasama More research! Don't completely scrap it, it could be used as a gateway to serious topics and one that could seriously impact the reader and leave them with a good impression of your writing

@dawgofdawgness Murder is definitely irredeemable. That's why I made someone a big scale bank robber (doesn't kill people just hurts them) instead of a murderer because that would ruin all her characterization and would not allow the reader to sympathize anymore with her after that. Who was the murderer gonna be? i strongly suspect Anton

@stnmaren Yeah, that line is creepy, but it has a murder sh- wait what!?

I had an old character design in pencil which had which had them a human male with needles piercing his flesh from head to toe and no empty eye sockets. I scrapped it as I found the design too edgy for my taste and his human form was a bit too similar to another character.

tbf the line is between two people who dated and probably got past third base but the story doesnt explore it enough for it to fit :'v

WelllIII....I've completed a script that deals with demons, warlocks, and cosmic horror; the story itself goes from the 1970s to the 1990s. It's centered around a young woman who suffered severe amnesia (losing years of memories and thinking she's 6 years old), and the sheep with red eyes that followed her. And this series is
a part of a larger series that connects several stories because of a cosmic horror event that essentially threw the world in a fit of panic and an existential crisis.

Long story short -- in the final act of this script, she's condemned as a witch by a fear-stricken town and was nearly burned at the stake (she did suffer some serious burns). I had to rewrite the scene several times because of how messed up it got. :cry: