2 / 10
Jul 2023

Before the site update, the Notifications tab would let me know whenever I got a new subscriber, comment, or like. However, now it shows me notifications for these "Messages" which are just promotions for certain series.

I haven't seen a way to disable them, but it's pretty obnoxious to see a bunch of new notifications and then find out they're actually just advertisements :confused:

  • created

    Jul '23
  • last reply

    Aug '23
  • 9


  • 1.3k


  • 1


  • 40


  • 1


i feel like someone mentioned a way to reach tapas staff if 'mark all read' doesn't work on desktop but otherwise no i don't think there's a way to turn off the advertisement notifications

You’re getting these too? I hope on here and see 12-20 notifications in messages. I look, excited, only to find that those messages aren’t for my comic or stories, but recommendations and free coupons to look at other industry grade comics I have no interest in. Just feels like a slap in the face. I absolutely despise this update but I do not know how to turn such messages off. Tapas has become even more frustrating to be on.

Yeah, it's obnoxious. Hit them with the 'ol feedback by hitting the "contact us" button. Of enough people do it, hopefully it'll change back.

Yeah, I also reported that there is a bug with this messages.
My notification counter does not go down even if I open this fake messages.
It's so infuriating to see the red glowing number at the top of the page. LOL.

Don't READ +17

You can't disable them completely. For getting rid of what you already have, try Mark all read on both tabs and then doing ctrl+click to make a new tab.

17 days later

Bleh, oh well - I'll just have to subtract 3 from the amount every time I see new notifications lol

Update, there is a way to make that red bubble with freaking big numbers on it. Mark all read on the Android app. For some reason, the mark all read on the app is working but not on the website itself.

Btw Tapas feedback contact email is:
if you want to send them a complaint. I've sent two already. I spend half as much time as I use to on tapas now due to the clunkyness and spam.

This is a source of constant irritation. It's beyond spam. I will never click on anything I get in such a manner, and it is very frustrating to constantly have to click this crap away.