Hi there! I'm an author with many projects. My current Tapas stories I'm focusing on writing are Critical Role, Glass Reflections, Epona and the Magic Horse, Akiyama Quest, The Magician's Pony, and Henry's War. I adore horses, anime, tv, and films. Please check out my work!
Soulless-Smiles1m Soulless-Smiles Of course! here is a link to my portfolio https://www.artstation.com/soulless_smiles
and a link to my own comic for more samples of my art. https://tapas.io/episode/2373193
If your interested or have any other questions please let me know c:
Hello there,
I'm interested in making covers for your novels! I've done covers for Tapas before, which I really enjoyed. You can check out some of them here:
You can check out more of my works here: www.instagram.com/midoryka
Hey there! I am available to do covers as commissions. Is this a request for a paid or unpaid piece?
Prolific authors are wonderful. Release your many projects in all genres possible!
I think it depends on what you want out of it--if this process works well for your writing, then go ahead. If you want to make one story in particular your main and get it really strong and well marketed--you don't really have time to do hundreds. It's kind of like pruning tomatoes--you gotta cut of…
I think "prolific" only becomes a problem when you have no order to your chaos. While I'm a big fan of writer's developing their own style and workflow, I do think writing requires a lot of discipline. When I was younger, I started a lot of stories but for one reason or another, I never finished the…
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a prolific writer, as long as you finish your projects and your readers are happy.
I used to work with up to ten projects at any given time, but I narrow it down, now I limit to three at most because: 1. Time: A story (whatever format) needs time to rework, polish, edit, publish and... promote. Otherwise it’s just a shout to the sea. So all these less creative aspects take up time…
Personally I think the only time I'd find an issue with having a vast number of different stories is when none of them are getting finished. I myself am a person whose got a lot of story ideas and have a tendency to come up with new ones often so being able to bounce around is convenient when I'm st…
Thank you, I would love some constructive criticism and feedback on it since I'm new to writing! My novel is at the top of the thread and linked on my profile if you want to check it out
Thank you I will check that story out! I hope that I'm able to pull it off, I'm so nervous that I keep delaying the chapters schedule aghh!!
Not necessarily for my current comic, but I'd kill for a Danny Elfman soundtrack for pretty much any other story.
I enjoy creating stuff in a lot of forms, but writing is one of my favourite ways to create because it's super fun to explore what makes your characters tick and how that has influence on the story and your other characters. You can do that in drawing, rp'ing, etc. too, but writing is one of the eas…
I really enjoy writing because during daily life stress, I can use my writing as a place that I'm able to control. There are many things that can be scary or unpredictable and make me nervous. But being able to turn to something which contains my imagination on paper which I can change as I please, …
@telari Ohhh my gosh can I just gush about Ask a Mortician for a sec, her videos are so interesting!! They almost made me reconsider my career haha
That’s such a mood!
I am in the editing period of the year right now, and it is legit hard to stick to editing and not think about the next book