

Ahaha, thanks. Just had another look and the switch-over could be a bit jarring for some people, especially because of how different it is. I've read books that go from third to first (and vice versa) where it's clear the first-person parts are a character telling a story to other people. Maybe do s…

Aayyyeee, thank you! I've been writing for quite some time, so I'm glad to see the work I put in is amounting to something!

I write in both: I have a series of two novels that are written in first person POV, but I also have a novel from third. It all depends on what feel comfortable for you and for the story: if the story focuses on the mind, thoughts and emotions of a singular character or if there is a major group of …

Ah, I’m having the opposite problem [:sweat_02:] I have to constantly remember to add in the “thoughts”

I wrote my first book in first person present tense because I wanted the wonder and discovery in real time vibe, and that works best for my MC. Sentence structure and keeping the flow was a little challenging but I got used to it fairly quickly. My latest book is in third past and it took a littl…

I started off my writing journey using third-person past-tense which grew easy to understand and explain for me. Though I am currently trying to expand my writing horizons by going into first-person present-tense which is really hard for me. The feeling of writing it and the way I have to explain a …

I honestly like the third person view a lot more. It gives a better space for little funny details and is not one-character-oriented. I also don't enjoy overly dramatic and personal things so again, third person. For the tense, novels in the present tense bother me in my native language but I have n…

If it makes you feel any better, I'm writing in third person, present tense, as well! I usually write in third person, past tense (and I'm meh towards most stories written in first person, to be honest), but this is what this story needed, so that's what I went with. There are really no rules that c…

English is not my native language and since I've grown up reading books in Polish, it's so strange to me to see stories written in present tense. I've never seen or even heard of writing novels in present tense until I started reading in English much later, and despite that years have passed, it's s…

Write what is best for your story. I've done first person, I've done third. Try not to compare yourself to others. There really is no right or wrong way, the way that works for your story, in your style is all you should worry about. Let "the other guy" worry about themselves.

I usually do third person omniscient narrator and past tense, I find it easier to express every characters feelings.

I write all of my stuff in a close third person. I find it keeps things personal to a particular character, a bit like first, but still gives me the leeway to do a bit of exposition if I feel it's necessary, or to describe an environment in ways the character wouldn't necessarily experience :slight_smile: I also …

Personally, I don't like writing in present tense. I tried it before and I always end up slipping with the tenses then have a mess. I've used both first and third for my stories though, and I'm fine with reading present tense. Whatever works best for your story is what you should stick with. Doesn't…

I pick the tense that fits naturally with the story that I am trying to tell. I think a lot of stories are first person, past because it's what's taught in schools. I found 3rd person past really easy for when I started my series.

I personally feel first-person is very difficult to pull off, that is why I write in third-person. I think third-person present tense is more uncommon than first-person or third-person past tense. I wanted to write in third-person present tense because I would understand it better (my native languag…