Trapped in uchronia and can't find the exit tapas.io/borzoiteeth
Artist who draws with minerals in various states of distress. Whatever language I try to speak in, please correct, thank you.
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- Mar 29, '19
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- May 11, '21
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- Jul 14, '21
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Some ingredients are rarer than others but you can use the most common of ingredients and create a unique flair of a popular recipe.
I really hope the Tapas team is telling the truth because I don't want to go through the ache of what happened with SmackJeeves again. But just in case and I believe in healthy competition, I want to remind people of ComicFury. It's a place where you can create your own personal webcomic site (unlik…
Depending on your comic also look into ComicFury. That's where all of my comics do the best. If you have the energy for it, it's very worth cross-posting!
I've done a few oneshots on Tapas and they do not do well here. But that is due to them being very short and very niche. If your oneshot is a popular genre with easy to search for story elements- then you will fair better. For the most exposure, you should not upload it all at once. Once a week is…
Once upon a time in film making people would show people moving from one place to another instead of just cutting to the next scene. When film was new the audience needed that extra detail to follow how characters got from one place to another. Now, unless it actually contributes to the immediate pl…
There is a bit of context you are losing with "the". When it's THE Wrinkled Pages it's telling someone this is a very specific item, it's not just any wrinkled page. There's something special about this one. Sure, it doesn't mean anything when trying to look up the work online, but that logic also a…
I am dyslexic so I will not judge your spelling. I will however judge your choice of font or handwriting. If I can't figure out the letters that go into the word my brain can't begin to decode it and thus that's the end of it. Voidpunk. I will immediately take a look into your work if it has a cha…
Both. Some comics I had to drop because their choice of colour schemes hurt my eyes. Sometimes black and white is better. Not just because someone is still learning colour theory- sometimes one can have an artstyle where colour can detract from the rest of the art. Now, I've done both and I prefer…
Not on Tapas, but sometimes I do sit and watch the stat charts on Comicfury since my audience is louder there. But usually my anxiety has me fleeing from looking at numbers instead of watching.
If someone only has one story to tell then I think that person should just jump in and tell it no matter how long the project is. If you only have passion for one story, it really is a waste of time to try to tell another story you have no energy for, regardless of the experience that could be gaine…
Any dark panels in large white spaces makes it hard for the eyes to see extra details within it. If you need that heavy contrast for an effect that's fine, but keep in mind if you want your readers to appreciate hours of details within darker panels.

I had a collab project on Google Drive over 300 pages of notes and scripts. Then one day, drive decided it didn't exist anymore. We did have a backup but it was general personal notes on our own computers and nowhere near everything that was there. We haven't touched that work since.
I'm so confused, how is it cheating? If someone said they felt like they had to designed completely original clothing because using fashion that already exists (like tshirts) is cheating- what would be your answer? I guess another way to look at it is who is your audience? Because let me tell you …
To counter your #2, just because someone realises that one thing they've done was wrong does not mean they will then apply that to everything else. If you'd like to do research on it, read/watch people who have escaped cults. They may realise they are in a bad place with bad people- but hold onto ma…
The #1 thing I'd know I would not do is say, "I reward students that push their boundaries <3" and then proceed to give the students who do push themselves bad grades because it's unrefined and messy. What the fuck do you expect when someone tries a medium/style they've never done before?? I had t…
I purely read desktop because I don't have cell-coverage where I live. If I did, I still would likely not read there anyways since I want to appreciate the artwork. Most of the ones I read are in page format anyways.
Yes, giving yourself a time/space limit really helps edit out the extra branches of your story. When do you want to have this story completed? In 5 years? 2? 10? My biggest comic right now, Anamnesis, is an anthology of stories that can be no longer than 20 pages. These stories are actually elemen…
I am so relived to read others say how not easy this is. I'm sick of seeing "advice" on Reddit telling newcomers that the easiest way to start in comics is short gags. If one is trying something way out of their comfort zone, it's a bit much to expect them to land it perfectly without slowly worki…
Given your struggles in creating the most perfect, original work, I wonder if some research would help you come to peace with your original motivations? Aside from comparing yourself to other projects that take teams to accomplish, you had to struggle with what you considered to be "original" work. …
[image] (If anyone knows the credit please tell)
My Pokémon comic is doing alright here on Tapas. But overall, yes, AO3 is where your audience will likely find you faster. If by any wild chance your fanfic is PMD themed most of that community is on Reddit, DeviantArt or ComicFury.
If anyone knows the original artist to this take please tell me because I stare at this every time I have one of these moments. [image]
As much as I'd love to go into details of what I do- I must admit that I and many others overthink this element. Because most fiction isn't aiming for that kind of "realism" and want that kind of escapism. There are too many countless big works that do resurrection cheaply and it has not stopped any…
Multiple people have mentioned reading your favourite or classic works, but sometimes reading the worst your genre has to offer can also help in motivation!

My creating is mainly based from trying to answer questions. I think it's mostly story first because the questions are basically story pitches? But sometimes the plot can't really be a full plot without the characters being more developed first? It's hard to know where the line is drawn!
It was so weird. Near the end of 2018, there was the announcement it was bought. The new owners proceed to say nothing until near the end of 2019, where they said in less than a month they are taking away everything SJ was known for. Then when the update happened it ended up being even worse than p…
I moved everything last November due to the clear direction that it was anti-creator and reader as possible. However unlike a lot of creators most of my work is less than 50 pages each so it wasn't a big nightmare to move. If you still have your account (many people lost theirs in the "update") yo…
GIMP is my main tool for digital/mix media arting. I normally work with multiple layers. If I find/make a cool texture I will scan/take a picture of it, edit it in GIMP and then make it an effect or a brush. I often abuse layer mode effects during colour grading.
Something else to keep in mind- Not all readers have accounts and thus can't Like a page. Not all subbed readers are "vocal" about their enjoyment. I'm one of those readers. I have to remind and force myself to comment and like comic pages because it's very unnatural for me. When I get deep int…