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- Sep 24, '18
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- Nov 3, '18
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- Apr 9, '24
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Latest page for HomeBuddies called "Social Anxiety" [image]
We just posted the second episode in our series HomeBuddies! Check it out! [image]
haha, well thanks I'm glad you like it! The funniest part of it is how they are appearing when they are alone. I don't know if that's happened to others, but I know when i'm doing face paint, I will think I am looking badass... but once its all said and done and I'm about to have to go out, I feel l…
We actually started our comic with a halloween premise to begin! [image]
Yeah, I think it definitely makes a difference for what it is. I like traditional a lot for just illustrations and for enjoying great ink work. But I feel like digital works better with comics because of the crisp look of it. I started my comic traditional because I quickly did the first page on t…
Thanks man! and thanks for subscribing : )
Yes! I already feel like its added a lot and its really fun to see my wife get creative and enjoy the process. Its been great bonding over it!
Thanks! That's encouraging! Hopefully we can continue to make good strips.
"A day in the life of me and my wife."
Heres the first comic strip for HomeBuddies! [image]
Its gonna be a funny little strip with me and my wife as the characters and just literally posting things that happen to us or the things we do that I think a lot of people would find funny or relatable. Tell me what y'all think about this first one! [image]
Thanks! We certainly will!
Just a little something me and my wife came up with and really liked it. We want to continue to pursue making up some funny comic with me and her as the characters haha. Tell me what y'all think! [image]
Here's me and my wife's comic "HomeBuddies" [image]
Here's a pretty simple style. [image]
Here's a good halloween one for my first funny webcomic "HomeBuddies" [image]
I used to really only enjoy colored comics only. It wasn't until after I read "The Underwater Welder" did that change my mind entirely. Almost made me want to go right into doing a black and white comic. Also the ease and quicker time per page is very appealing to me. But it has to be done correctl…
What about "Dusty Dead" "Dusty Undead" or "The Dusty Dead" idk. Get the dog and the zombies in there. Idk
Here is my latest page to my comic Spoon [image]
Yeah I was kind of under that impression too that showing you have a successful webcomic is a proof of product so I would think it would only help. I just didn't know if any publishers looked down upon webcomics and wouldn't want to be associated with them. I think its because the graphic shorts I'm…
My first comic ever made is the comic I am posting on here!
Here is my first attempt at comics!
Go check out Michael Russell channel on youtube. Everything I have learned is from those videos. He does a great job at explaining some really cool and easy ways to go about coloring digitally.
That's a good idea there. I could easily do that with an anthology by not including a story or two on the webcomic side
I have just recently uploaded my comic "Spoon." This is a comic I have all the intentions of turning into a 4-6 graphic short anthology that I'm going to send around and try to get published when totally complete. Do you think having these shorts up on tapastic and webtoons would look good to a pub…
Here is what my comic would have looked like if I had gone straight into doing one and hadn't taken a year to improve... [image] And here I am today with a page I did a month ago... [image]
Lol, well thank you so much for all the kind words! And yes, this is definitely the first time I have ever tried doing a comic. I have done a lot of other artistic things, mostly just random character illustrations and a few full fledged illustrative scenes on my instagram, so i'm no stranger to th…
Yeah your use of colors and textures is what really made me think of his stuff. But your stuff looks great!
I have made 7 pages so far of my comic and have fortunately enough loved all of them so far. I am actually pretty hard on myself with stuff but am impressed sometimes by my own work. I sometimes get in that place where I feel like I wasn't even the one who created the page because it seems and feels…
Very cool man. Really cool when your story takes a life on its own and demands you to continue to write because it has more to say.