9 / 14
Feb 2016

I know for many us Pokémon was a big part of our lives so I figured I'd celebrate by making drawing in its honor. If anyone else has please post it here!!

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    Feb '16
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    Feb '16
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I don't have anything for the 20th anniversary, but I do have a pokemon fanart I did in october. It's a patreon/Evee evol crossover because honestly, doesn't Patreon sound like an Evee evol?? I think so.

You guys drawings are adorable!!

I uh, made a post on tumblr with two of my, uh, f-favourite first-gen pokemon for the occasion!!


Um, I might, not be doing this right,


IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, I'm very excited for Sun & Moon but I'm EQUALLY excited that they preserved MISSINGNO. and the Mew Glitch on the new 3DS versions of R/B/Y!! I adore glitch pokemon, and it's so rare for a big company to see the glitched side of a game as equally exciting and worth exploring. I'm so happy!! So this is my crack at drawing two of my favourite glitches that I had to go ahead and touch up for the occasion -- Missingno. and Female Symbol2. : D

Happy 20th, Pokémon!!!
i'm probably not buying any more main-games though;; i enjoy drawing/writing the monsters more than i do playing the same, slightly enhanced game over and over :'D it's different when you're a collector/competitive battler, but i end up putting the game down forever after the Elite 4 haha! it seems my prayer for an awesome MMO won't be answered this time either.

@shazzbaa omg!! i knew about missingno. but idr ever reading abt ♀! i love these renditions

What are your guys' stories about starting pokémon?
I can't remember if I saw the animé first or if it was when my brother borrowed his friend's Gameboy with Pokémon Silver and Lion King. (important to note that I'm from a small European country and we didn't get all that much from usa/whatever back then) It was all about collecting tazo's from chip bags or wherever in elementary school. It was only in middle-school, like, 2006-ish that i finally could play a pokémon game properly because my brother discovered emulators xD Hoenn is my jam.

I loved pokemon. I didn't really get into the games until later on in life but i ADORED collecting the cards. I actually have two stories involving the cards.

  1. I went to a Catholic school where pokemon, at the height of its 90s popularity. Was banned. My brothers used this to their advantage. Buying cheap at stores and the selling high behing the school in this weird pokemon card smuggling ring. They made so much.

  2. My parents also hated pokemon. I was 9 and owned one pokemon card a cute little bulbasaur. When my mom found out we had the cards she demanded we get rid of them. My brothers, now fully loaded with cash and borded. Decided the fun thing to do is BURN THEM. This includes my bulbasaur. I was a sad child and stood there watching it burn (i cried)

But now I'm a adult with my collection alive and well and i still love pokemon.
I drew a bunch of Gijinka pokemon on tumblr last year.



Vaporeon (my fav)
I have all of the eeveelutions done

I was on board for Pokemon when it first came to the US! I'd gotten an issue of Nintendo Power because it had.... some Mario game in it maybe? I was not big into video games as a little kid. Anyway, they had a sneak peek of this new Pokemon thing that was just coming out, and I FELL IN LOVE IMMEDIATELY.

I got Blue version on that big clunky grey gameboy with the green-pixel screen, and my starter was Bulbasaur. :> I was really into Gold/Silver as well, but I fell off the boat after that until X/Y (which I played blind with a friend for a while), and then my bro surprised me with an old Yellow cartridge and an old Gameboy colour when I started getting really into glitching! THATS MY POKEMON STORY

omg thank you! : D

Ahhhh THANK YOU so much!! I freaking love female symbol, it's 80' tall, has a black glitch screen that obscures anything around it from view (including, say, your moves, if you send one into battle) and is known for a cry that may or may not sometimes be an endless loop!! So basically it's a towering being of shifting red lights shrouded in impenetrable darkness that, once you hear its maddening, unending song, you cannot turn away! THAT'S JUST, THAT'S AN ACTUAL HORROR MONSTER

20th anniversary and people's fanart and attention to the date is much much higher and better than Nintendo's.
I saw that 2 min video and couldn't believe my eyes. "Only this? For the 20th anniversary date? They must be kidding..."

Oh DO I have pokemon fanart haha

I also drew Budew and Mime Jr for the Gijinka collab on twitter last year smile